Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by jose, Dec 28, 2005.

  1. jose

    jose Guest

    Yes yesterday me and my son started my FXR it's been in the garage
    about 11 months. I bought me a new one. So after charging the battery
    and a few try's it finally started . But all this oil came out from the
    carb .
    what happened? Well I think it did.
    jose, Dec 28, 2005
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  2. jose

    CK Guest

    Did you remember to shut the gas off, back in January or February?

    Is the oil level in the oil tank or the crankcase too high?

    Does the oil smell like gasoline?

    Maybe the float in the carburetor stuck and gasoline ran down into the
    cylinder, past the rings and into the crankcase.

    High oil level will cause excess pressure in the crankcase and some oil
    will be blown out the breather hose into the air box.

    If the oil smells like gasoline, change it.
    CK, Dec 28, 2005
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  3. jose

    alan&alon Guest

    normal after sitting you could pull the vent tube from the air cleaner and
    put it into a can or somthing but basicly let it run and it will clear up
    then top off your oil level
    alan&alon, Dec 31, 2005
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