Full Impact

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jan 3, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The numbers of our dead military have been piling up pretty strong during
    this past two months.. Many families are getting those body bags on a
    regular basis, these days.. For most Americans, we don't see it or hear
    about it, other than the sanitized versions of KIA's which the mainstream
    media filters to our TV screens..

    The impact of what Bush's military adventure in Iraq is doing to us will not
    be fully appreciated until the thousands who are being mangled commence to
    stream back into our society.. Rumsfeld and Bush didn't plan on the kind of
    war that is being fought in Iraq.. Insurgent and urban guerilla fighting
    wasn't one of their contingencies..

    The guerilla warfare and terrorists strategies being employed against our
    troops are not necessarily limited to killing.. maiming and mangling bodies
    of anyone in the areas of their weapons is as effective, if not more so..
    than deaths Staging areas for these wounded are set up overseas and the
    numbers of these heroes who will require long term care, have been
    carefully, not reported..

    Beyond that.. Americans have not fully comprehended just how many of these
    warriors will become lifetime statistics in the Veterans Administration

    George Bush has publicly postured and signed many budgets to emphasize the
    increase in the budgets for VA hospitals.. hmmm... Strangely enough, we then
    hear about facilities across the nation being closed.. benefits delayed or
    cut.. Wait a minute.. what happened to all that taxpayer money. ? Well.. it
    never materialized.. The massive tax refunds for that upper crust, were
    right on time.. But .. funding for our veterans never made it..

    Those disabled and maimed men and women who are fighting for America, in
    Bush's misadventurous "Wartime President's" image fabrication, will never
    see the money.. Americans voted for this maniac and allowed him to steal
    another term in office.. Those genuine patriots and heroes as well as
    American taxpayers will be paying for this foolishness for generations to

    So far.. we've only seen the tip of this iceberg.. You can be assured that
    the full impact will be overwhelmning..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 3, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Buzzy Guest

    Thanks for reminding us that dissent is not necessarily "unpatriaotic."

    I would simply ask all who emblazon their vehicles with yellow ribbons to
    also take a moment to write their senators and congressmen (and "president")
    and insist that our veterans are not screwed by these pirates in the White
    House. The lobbyists are not the only people with a voice, but we have to
    shout more loudly.

    There goes my blood pressure.


    '67 A65T
    Buzzy, Jan 3, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Dixon Ranch Guest

    I think it will not be as bad as say Korea or Vietnam.

    From what I remember from the history books about Korea, the toll was a lot
    higher than anything that we have seen in Iraq at this time.

    Vietnam was at least as bad as Iraq if not worse.

    Iraq toll will increase in the coming days because of the Iraqi Election
    Day. The election will not be postponed.

    What is happening at the moment stateside is about the same as what happened
    in Vietnam with the anti-war protesters and the main stream media. They, the
    anti-war protesters, with the help of the main stream media, turned a US
    military victory in the NVA Tet Offensive in 1968 or 69 into a politicial
    defeat. The anti-war protesters included such people as Jane Fonda and John

    The Vietnam Communists know that and have said so publicly after the fall of
    Saigon. The member of the General Staff of the NVA even said as much in an
    Wall Street Journal interview after the end of the war.

    I am sure that the Iraqi terrorists are aware of that and are attempting to
    make it happen again in Iraq.

    BTW, Bin Laden seems to be involved in attempting to derail the Iraqi
    elections. I suppose that a freely elected Iraqi Government does not serve
    his ambitions in the Middle East and the rest of the world.
    Dixon Ranch, Jan 3, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Bownse Guest

    X-No-archive: yes

    Sadly, there are people who were alive during 'Nam, who are willingly
    becoming the puppets of the current enemy.
    Bownse, Jan 3, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    That sure makes me feel better.. It's always a comfort to know that someone,
    somewhere is worse off, or that some event was more disastrous.. Thank you..
    I was there.. I remember it vividly.. No history books necessary.. I've
    lived with those memories for almost fifty years..
    See above.. very comforting..
    Your crystal ball is equally impressive...
    Stateside is where you live, or haven't you noticed..

    Yep.. everyone should get in line to congratulate George Bush and Don
    Rumsfeld on the outstanding jobs they've done ..

    The anti-war protesters included such people as Jane Fonda and John
    That's two.. plus several hundred thousands..
    Phew... thought maybe you'd personally interviewed the dude..what a relief..
    hmmm... could be.. that would be one of the strategies, alright.. Too bad ..
    ol' Shrub and Rumsfeld aren't as smart as you and me, so they'd have made
    plans for this .. huh.. sport ?
    Well now.. whaddya' know ? See there.. if Bush had finished the job in
    Afghanistan, bin Laden (btw. he's the one responsible for attacking America
    on Bush's watch) would be either dead or in prison .. right now.. Instead..
    he's prancing around .. making videos and tapes while he laughs at Bush and
    disrupts elections in Iraq..
    Bill Walker, Jan 3, 2005
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The apologies for the Bush and Rumsfeld fuckups is noted..
    Bill Walker, Jan 3, 2005
  7. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Nothing like someone who's so dumb promoting "common sense".

    Please go read a book about different governments around the world. It might
    be eye-opening to you.
    Brian Walker, Jan 5, 2005
  8. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    GREAT! Do you think you might tell that to some of the families who have
    loved ones dying in Iraq? I'm sure they'd be happy to know that it could be
    Brian Walker, Jan 5, 2005
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