ewe'll knead at least two Hiclones, they said so over at aus.cars.offroad
Seems plausible, you only need a small film of lead deposit to cushion the valve seats by all accounts, OTOH, you only need the lead to save the valve seats if you don't have hardened seats (and many older cars do) JL
If we combine them with a fuelstar and some purple harmony plates, you'll never have to fill again. Al
So you're saying I wasted hundreds of dollars having hardened valve seats set in my alloy heads? Bugger. Moike
naah, me neither but you're not the chemist and it'd be vapourised lead surely? nope, new engine, never run on leaded cast iron valve seats
I think High School chemistry will suffice for this conversation. Vapourised ? You didn't mention applying sufficient heat to turn it into a gas, and I can't imagine a steam of lead vapour at several thousand degrees Celcius being a good thing to be exposing to petrol. Let me be clearer then instead of trying to be nice. Sticking lead sinkers into petrol will not give you the same result as having the compound which contains lead (TEL) mixed into your petrol. Ie TEL does not equal petrol with lead in suspension. JL
Well _duh_. What do you think the Energy Polarizer is for? Just as well the HiClone is there to cool things down so the Turbulator doesn't melt! -----sharks
And still available. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4522578036&ssPageName=ADME:B:WN:AU:1 Al
Woohoo ! I'll buy three. JL (shame how all the 60's 70's and 80's cars I own had hardened seats from the factory, just like your 60's sedan hey Al ?)
Sintered Iron not cast I believe (not a metallurgist dunno what the difference is) http://forums.jag-lovers.org/av.php?708038i10 http://forums.jag-lovers.org/av.php?709235i56 Bywater is an ex-Jag engineer, worked on the redesign of the 12. JL