FS: VFR800

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ben Blaney, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. Ben Blaney

    Ben Blaney Guest

    1999 V reg. Black. 8000 miles.

    Hard luggage. Full Honda Service History (ie, all three). Currently
    wearing BT-010s. K&N air filter. Baglux tank cover.

    Two Blaney owners. Located in Sunny Essex.

    How much? Dunno. 4K?
    Ben Blaney, Feb 24, 2004
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  2. Ben Blaney

    darsy Guest

    I reckon it's worth more like 4 and a 1/4.
    darsy, Feb 24, 2004
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  3. Ben Blaney

    CT Guest

    I had a quick look on BikeTrader and at 4K you could say
    it was 'priced to sell'.
    CT, Feb 24, 2004
  4. Ben Blaney

    Monkey Guest

    And how many miles had it done when you bought it? Think I remember you
    going to the Turpin and back on it once. Oh, and you probably rode it home
    from your dad's place.
    Monkey, Feb 24, 2004
  5. Ben Blaney

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I used it for going to work when I was doing that shitty job at
    Stansted, and when I started my last contract in Croydon.

    Actually, I'll go and check the mileage...
    Ben Blaney, Feb 24, 2004
  6. Ben Blaney

    Monkey Guest

    OK, more than I've done on my 6R in twice the time. You win. I'll get me
    Monkey, Feb 24, 2004
  7. Ben Blaney

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Ben Blaney, Feb 24, 2004
  8. Ben Blaney

    gomez Guest

    gomez, Feb 24, 2004
  9. Ben Blaney

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Ben Blaney, Feb 24, 2004
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