FS: Bandit 1250 GT

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ben, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Ben, Jun 19, 2010
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  2. Ben

    Mike Buckley Guest

    Mike Buckley, Jun 19, 2010
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  3. Ben

    Ben Guest

    I'm working in Edinburgh until at least November, so don't need it for
    commuting. Come the winter, I'll be buying a cheap car, because
    commuting by bike through winter is shit.

    So it wouldn't get any use until at least Spring 2011, but cost me
    money in the mean time.

    And I've still got the GSX-R for fun, so the money is better in the
    bank than in the garage.
    Ben, Jun 20, 2010
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