Frozen clutch, stuck in gear

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by PHREAEKIE, Aug 8, 2005.



    Alright, well I got the bike running, turned out being fouled plugs.
    just didnt really have the time to remove them cause I was in such
    hurry. But everything is fine now, I have been riding the bik
    relentlessly all over Delaware. The clutch is still really hard to pul
    in though, so I dont know what is up with that. I also havent tried t
    adjust it, but I guess I can get around to that the next time I decid
    to work on it without riding it instead ;)

    Thanks for all the help, guys

    PHREAEKIE, Aug 8, 2005
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  2. Besides adjusting the clutch throwout mechanism, you might try
    lubricating the cable with some thin oil that doesn't get gummy like
    chain lube...
    krusty kritter, Aug 8, 2005
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