Great news! The bike started up today. I never even thought about that stupi sidestand switch until Bryan mentioned it. SO I put it up and had t fidget with it to get it to start. Now the bike does start, but jump while doing so. Also, the idle is stuck at about 4000 rpms, so mayb that is a choke cable. All of that comes later. I still have the sam problem with the clutch. It is really hard to pull in (my hand i throbbing sore from about a 6 minute ride) and it is still stuck i first gear. I cannot shift up or down, the lever is tight. Should I g through the same procedures ripping out the clutch and all or shuold see if I can fix it while riding? Any suggestions on how to fix thi would be great :) Thanks alot guys...I'm smiling ear-to-ear Bill