From the old SMH 'Easy Rider'... (Sat SMH, p.10)

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Dave E, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. Dave E

    Dave E Guest

    When the boys (you know who you are) sent me a copy of a 'call to arms' for
    'middle aged' long distance riders to thrown on the gear (panniers etc.) and
    get into a Herald photo-shoot I couldn't resist. I gave those bastards
    scorn a-plenty for the dastardly 'middle-aged' reference and didn't let on
    that I was keen as mustard. :)

    A bunch of us met on Wed last at Berowra Mobil with the photographer (Ben
    Rushton) and headed down to the Hawkesbury for the shots. After a few
    candid pics around our bikes and some fly-by shootings Ben asked if he could
    take some shots sitting on the back of my bike. He must have seen me ride
    before as he requested a helmet (thanks G.B.) and foolishly climbed aboard.
    One of these shots is the one that eventually made it to the paper -
    thankfully with my speedo obscured (and Speedos too of course...).

    As a number of (ex) friends have said, the Herald did a very good job of
    capturing my best side (back of my head), and to be certain, made sure I had
    my helmet on. Bastards. Where they got the idea to put "Easy Rider...
    David Eldridge blah blah...." on the photo caption is beyond me. I'm *MUCH*
    better looking than both Peter Fonda and Denise Hopper....

    Anyway, shame it was only moi that appeared - there were others involved
    too. At least my oldies will get something of a kick out of it all. If
    anyone's interested, the text body can be found here:

    Dave ("Easy Rider"... hmmmm) E
    ZZR600 => ST2 (stolen) => '03 XX
    Dave E, Jan 17, 2005
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  2. Dave E

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Eh? You want me to eat less for lunch?!!?
    **** OFF!!
    Knobdoodle, Jan 17, 2005
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  3. Dave E

    Dave E Guest

    Hehe - that's what I thought. I had nothing to do with the article - I was
    only providing my handsome (Shoei) looks. I'm sick of being treated as an
    object, a showpony... :)

    Not sure where they got that damned "Easy Rider" reference from either.

    Dave ZZR600 => ST2 (stolen) => '03 XX
    Dave E, Jan 17, 2005

  4. But Denise Hopper's gorgeous!

    Postman Pat
    Pat Heslewood, Jan 18, 2005
  5. Dave E

    GB Guest

    Yeah, all the bloody way up there on the off chance that
    I might get my picture in the paper, and there I am, sitting
    on the side of the road, whilst the photographer is off riding
    around and wearing *my* helmet for the photo that *did* make it!

    Before that day, I had literally *no* idea that the
    Speedo company made a flourescent yellow g-string. I
    may never forgive you for leaving me with that indelible
    image Eldridge!

    I actually got a copy of the paper in question. I could
    eventually be convinced to scan it or something if anyone
    gives a flying.

    GB, Jan 18, 2005
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