I got all my parts except the left mirror on Wednesday. I've installed the fork leg, replaced all the speedo stuff and the dash bracket, glued up cracked bits and generally been fiddling getting it right. The tank colour's not a perfect match but it's close enough. So last night it was all together, all the indicators and other lights worked, brakes worked, clutch worked, it started. Let's be honest, I was shitting myself as I pulled out of the driveway this morning, half expecting something (or me..) to fall off. Soon as I hit the road the old feeling was back. 'tis good to be on the bike. Crap weather or not, it was good. OK 3 small niggles. 1) Steering seems about 5 degrees out to the left. 2) Right indicator stopped working (neither front, rear or dash lights come on even tho the switch clicks) once I got to the top of the street. 3) Throttle doovy is not tight on the handlebars, so when I give it some throttle (not lots, SOME) it turns a bit. Beyond that I am very highly impressed with myself. This is coming from someone who owned about 4 screwdrivers and a shifter in total. The most mechanical I'd been recently is taking a video card out of a PC. You can probably recall how much "fun" I had with the clutch cable. I have 10.1Km on the clock now. I had 1.6 when I installed the new speedo. Non-Niggle 4) The new mirror has a longer pole so I can see OVER rather than through my shoulder, LUXURY !!