Friday - windy, cool ride

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by louie, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. louie

    Calgary Guest

    My bad. I shall refrain from using it again. <g>


    24 hours in a day
    24 beer in a case


    I think not
    Calgary, Apr 8, 2007
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  2. : lol.. There has sure been a rash of them, these past few months.. These
    : guys are buying some serious motorcycles.. Valkyries, Voyagers, Ventures
    : and GoldWings.. My old Green Vulcan gets plumb intimidated.. but, they
    : don't have to wait for us too long.. <chuckle>

    : Besides.. no one is competing on most of our rides.. that's a good thing..

    : Are you settling in the Austin area, George ?

    I've been settled in Austin for 7 years now, but I work construction and
    go where the job is. I work temporary assignments, so I keep my house in
    Austin and stay in hotels or get an apartment wherever the job is.

    I hope to have something in central Texas for my next job, but we'll see.
    George Pollard, Apr 8, 2007
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  3. louie

    Calgary Guest

    Well believe it or not Bill, I think we can agree on this point. If,
    as per your scenario, the rider is already out of control and at the
    mercy of the elements on the pavement and another vehicle and they use
    their last bit of effort to mitigate the potential damages of a crash,
    I agree with you there are ways to limit the damages and the pain.

    Of course this would not be considered layin er down to avoid a crash.


    24 hours in a day
    24 beer in a case


    I think not
    Calgary, Apr 8, 2007
  4. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    I know the feeling very well.. Yep.. I had a whole buncha' years in the con-
    struction bid'ness.. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get one close to
    home, this time around..

    How'd you like working in California ? I always thought they were in another
    world out there.. If I wasn't actually on the job, I'd be south of the
    border, rid-
    ing my motorcycle.. Sure got acquainted with a lot of those good mexican
    bikers, down there.. That was the only good thing I could say about working
    in California..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 8, 2007
  5. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    You can call it anything you want to.. There are only split seconds to
    whether you'll make a textbook stop or go under the wheels.. Getting clear
    of the motorcycle and the other vehicle is one of my priorities.. I'll
    surely get
    scraped and banged around, but chances are, I'll be around to shake my
    head when it's over.. Riding that thing into a collision while you are being
    book correct and applying brakes on a surface which doesn't support you,
    definitely not end well..

    On another note.. personally, the situation which we are arguing isn't one
    happens on a regular basis.. Many riders never experience the situation
    years of operating a motorcycle.. They are the lucky ones and I hope they
    have to deal with it.. However, I would argue that anyone who emphasizes
    they keep that motorcycle on it's wheels, applying brakes in a correct
    fashion, at
    all costs.. isn't advising in that riders' best interests.. There comes a
    time when
    you let that motorcycle go to suffer it's fate and save your own ass.. I've
    very fortunate to have not realized more than broken lights or lens and no
    age to my body.. That old Green Vulcan still looks pretty good after ten
    years of
    some hard miles on it.. I don't have any scars, so something works fairly
    well for
    me.. Like I said.. I'll ride mine and you can do the same..
    Bill Walker, Apr 8, 2007
  6. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    For the benefit of Big Ed.. I think "impugning" means something like
    Bill Walker, Apr 8, 2007
  7. louie

    Calgary Guest

    Now you are backtracking on the scenario Bill. As you are aware there
    are many ways to avoid a collision or an untimely off road excursion.
    Straight line braking is but one of the tools in the tool box. All of
    those tools require maintaining control of the motorcycle. Control
    which you have already conceded would be lost by layin it down.

    Your scenario had the rider already out of control and choosing the
    least offensive escape route. Now you seem to be suggesting the crash
    could be avoided not by maintaining control but layin er down.

    Once again, all of the accident avoidance techniques we have available
    rely on staying in control of the vehicle.
    Read the above reference to "all of the tools in the tool box"
    Now if memory serves, in your case you had total control of your
    motorcycle and found a stationary object in your path. Was it a
    trailer? Can't remember.

    Anyway in order to avoid hitting that object you chose to drop your
    motorcycle, and judging from the minimal damage, that drop took place
    at a very low speed, possibly at a dead stop. Once again if my memory
    is correct you avoided hitting the trailer (or object).

    If you accept the bike can be brought to a stop faster by using the
    brakes (which is the simple fact) than by grinding metal and plastic
    on the road, in this instance the correct option would have been to
    maintain control of the bike and bring it to a stop by effective
    braking. You would have brought the machine to a controlled stop
    before hitting the object.

    But you're right Bill, you ride your way and I'll ride mine.


    24 hours in a day
    24 beer in a case


    I think not
    Calgary, Apr 9, 2007
  8. : How'd you like working in California ? I always thought they were in another
    : world out there.. If I wasn't actually on the job, I'd be south of the
    : border, rid-
    : ing my motorcycle.. Sure got acquainted with a lot of those good mexican
    : bikers, down there.. That was the only good thing I could say about working
    : in California..

    Financially, I did very well in California. There are some great
    motorcycle roads there, as well. I let all the other shit slide, as I
    wasn't a citizen of the state I didn't get into the politics. The
    traffic sucks, but on a motorcycle you can split lanes. When I was in
    the truck in traffic I was on the clock, so it all paid the same.

    I only rode to Mexico once, had a good time and met some good fellows
    there. Had a bitch of a time getting home, due to the weather. Tijuana
    floods when they get a monsoon, makes it fun to ride through.
    George Pollard, Apr 9, 2007
  9. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    I can tell you some fun times in those flooded streets in Tijuana.. yessir..

    For about eleven months.. I commuted from there on my motorcycle.. That
    was about a two and a half hour commute and I preferred it to living in the
    Orange county area.. Thought about running for mayor in Tijuana and might
    have won the election, if I'd tried it.. lol

    See you soon, I hope..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 9, 2007
  10. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    LMAO.. Backtrack ?? Bullshit..
    I've never lost a motorcycle to a crash .. While you are using all those
    you'll be dog meat.. in the scenario that I have been in.. In turn.. I've
    to luck out and make a few picture perfect emergency stops without
    I have no idea what the hell you are talking about with all the "trailer"
    It sure wasn't anything that had to do with me in this thread..
    Sand, gravel, ice or loose leaves.. right ? Good luck.. lol
    Me neither.. not in this thread..
    Don't have a clue what you are referring to.. Another vehicle isn't likely
    be stationary on the highway, in traffic.. Be that as it may.. going under
    wheels of a semi with your bike isn't good motorcycle handling.. Error res-
    ponsibility aside.. that's suicide.. Some don't have the luxury of time to
    make all those "tools available" selections..
    Phew.. all that metal and plastic "grinding" is impressive.. LOL.. Again..
    this old Green Vulcan looks pretty damned good after more than ten
    years of hard riding.. Like I said.. I can stop my motorcycle about as
    quick as anyone around.. but, in the worst case.. that sucker is gone
    when it comes to saving my ass..
    You bet'cha.. I will do just that..
    Bill Walker, Apr 9, 2007
  11. louie

    Calgary Guest

    Tell ya what, what say we leave this discussion with the desire for
    neither of us to have to test our accident avoidance techniques in a
    real life situation.

    Ride Safe.


    24 hours in a day
    24 beer in a case


    I think not
    Calgary, Apr 9, 2007
  12. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    ''George Pollard" <>
    (wonders this?)

    I'm still trying to figure out how I got involved in this. I was riding
    in south Texas yesterday, not up there in the northlands.
    It was cold there, too, though.


    (Okay George, listen?)
    ''You did sumpun sometime,somewhere,possibly with sumone,at a time that
    attracted attention to someone that was waiting on the right time to
    inform everyone on this ng(and others)that there was a possibility that
    you were involved in it.''- Big Ed)

    I'm impressed? Yes sir, I am. Your answer to George, was indeed one of
    the most coherant responses, that I've had the privalege of clicking
    onto, in a good while, on this illustrous Texas Motorcyles Disc Group.
    And to top it off Ed, you didnt top it off. My regards , Bjay all day.
    BJayKana, Apr 9, 2007
  13. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    (Brian summarizes)
    ''It's amazing what stupid discussions this group can have....''

    But------we need it. Our ratings are dropping. Could be becasue we
    have mainly discussed ''motorcycles'' since the first of the year. What
    else could it be??
    We need this! {:D

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Apr 9, 2007
  14. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    ''I suspect that I can stop my motorcycle under ideal conditions, as
    fast as anyone .
    hmmm.. Some on this newsgroup can testify to that, and recently..
    Talking about a Textbook emergency stop on a road surface with those
    conditions, is downright
    stupidity.. Staying with that motorcycle in the face of certain
    collision isn't just stupid,
    it is insane.. Bill Walker)

    Bill,Theres a few folks, that strickly go by the Riders textbook, so to

    They seem to have the need to take the ''famous'' MCT courses (cant
    think of the proper name of 'em) annually.
    (Not that's there anything wrong with that.)

    According to that text book, it says to stay on the bike,hit all them
    brakes no matter the circumstance. No other options.

    To a few of us, that have rode for a long time, know ( or realize)
    there's a time to try to ride the bike down, called ''lay'er down''. It
    worked over 50 years ago, and it will work today if the rider thinks he
    ''can do it'', and if he thinks it's necessary, and all this happens in

    We have to remember, that this technique is not ''teach'able'' in those
    weekend classes.
    Think about it, how could an instructor attempt to even try to instruct
    a student to lay it down, try to stay on it, riding around in circles
    in a parking lot, up to 10 mph.

    A rider can either do it on his own,as the circumstances happen, or not.
    That's all there is to it.

    I forgot the name of the guy who posted on this thread that he indeed
    ''did lay'' his down (in these modern times), and feels it saved his

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Apr 9, 2007
  15. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    All that "lay'er down" thing is not something that I'd recommend to anyone..
    It's not an everyday or every ride type of thing that anyone will
    A great deal of agility and physical co-ordination is involved, otherwise a
    lot of riders that I know and respect would surely kill themselves or make
    a bad situation worse..

    All that being said.. you are right.. Safely laying a motorcycle down can't
    taught to anyone in a classroom or in a parking lot.. Laying one down should
    be a last resort and only when faced with certain collision with another

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 9, 2007
  16. louie

    redshad Guest

    Damn right. If you see your going to have a collision, jump off that
    nigger and let the road have it. If you have to choose between your
    life and the bike, **** that new...with blueteeth and a
    electric windshield if you can find one.

    redshad, Apr 9, 2007
  17. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    (Ed Hart)
    Calgary: (?)
    "impugning" This is a word that is not on the use list for this
    newsgroup.Please reframe from it.Your co-operation,even mandatory,is

    He was trying to say some of them 50 cent words, thanking' we'd not
    understand and tend to thank' he was a smart'un.
    That's my inpug, and I'm sticking to it.

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Apr 9, 2007
  18. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    > wrote in message ‘‘Don't pussy out Bill,tell
    it like it is.WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’’

    <grin> There you go with all that nasty talking, again.. Just because
    you got special dispensation for =top posting=, doesn't mean that you'll
    get a pass for all this unseemly and vulgar language, even though it is
    rep- resented by initials..

    I agree.
    But, Big Ed, can get away with his ''top post'' talent, because he
    actually is Big Ed; Big, bad, Ed. Who is gonna argue with him, I ask.
    He can say more in one line, than most of us, in 100 lines.
    It might not make any sense, but that is beside the point.
    I like how he straightened out The Calgary One. And done it with very
    few texas words. (RNGrin)

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Apr 9, 2007
  19. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    All that being said.. you are right.. Safely laying a motorcycle down
    can't be
    taught to anyone in a classroom or in a parking lot.. Laying one down
    should be a last resort and only when faced with certain collision with
    another veh-
    Bill Walker)

    I understood exactly your point, he didnt, apparantly.
    It is not like a rider would choose laying 'er down, over applying all
    the brakes,keeping it up and straight!
    Hail’, who wouldnt?? Shoot we aint stupid over, and down here in
    Tejas. <g>

    Some folks, seem to rely on all that classroom stuff, they read
    Motorsikel books, and talk about all that technique ''riding tools''
    stuff, and that's certainly understandable. No Biggie.

    Of course I would recommend some of that stuff, to a brand new Rider

    There's a fellow over on Reeky awhile back, that took 2 or 3 of them MCT
    weekend deals, and within days after each training session /mind you/,
    lost his bike in a ditch, dropped it a a Light, and I dont know whatall
    else the dude had happen to him. (poor sucker)<chuckle>.
    (Some folks are just accident prone, I rectum)

    You, Ed, or I, could have taught him well, in a Wally world Parking lot,
    in a few hours. (kidding) <g>

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Apr 9, 2007
  20. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘Damn right. If you see your going to have a collision, jump off
    that nigger and let the road have it. If you have to choose between your
    life and the bike, **** that new...with blueteeth and a
    electric windshield if you can find one.
    Redshad ’’

    Hot damn that was funny.
    ''jump off that nigger''. nigger?
    You should have said. ''jump off that colored'' thang, and let the road
    have er?

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Apr 9, 2007
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