[QUOTE="doetnietcomputeren"] They do. Data as of June 2008: In a >50kph limit, up to 25kph over the limit is 68 euros and 1 point withdrawal. Possible licence suspension if borugh before a judge. In all speed limits: 26-35kph over the limit is 135 euros and 2 points withdrawn. Possible licence suspension if borugh before a judge. 36-40kph over the limit is 135 euros and 3 points with drawn and suspension up to 3 years. 41-55kph over the limit is 135 euros, 4 points withdrawn, and suspension up to 3 years. 56+ over the limit is 1500 euros, 6 points withdrawn and suspension up to 3 years. If 2nd or 3rd offence, up the fine to 3750 euros. So your 157 (presumably in a 130 limit) should have cost you more, or your speedo under reads. [/QUOTE] That doesn't seem to align with the fines imposed. 45EUR and 90EUR being the two that I know of.