Freepost envelopes

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Gyp, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. Gyp

    Gyp Guest

    Anyone know off hand what happens if you send a package to a freepost
    address that's heavier than the 60g 2nd class for 21p letter weight

    I've finally got round to sending my overcharge info to Barclaycard for
    my GPS [1] and not only will it not fit their little 2nd class pre-paid
    envelope it also weighs in at 125g rather than the regulation 60g.

    I'm assuming it will be presented to the mailroom at the other end and
    they have the choice to pay the extra or not.

    I don't want to discover in 3 months that it simply got binned and I've
    got to start all over again.

    [1] A US company e-mailed me and offered me a GPS unit for $0. I ordered
    one and the confirmed the order etc. When they shipped they charged me
    $1000 as $0 was "incorrect". Ooops!
    Gyp, Aug 23, 2004
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  2. I've got a first class stamp you can have.
    Grimley_Feindish, Aug 23, 2004
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  3. Gyp

    wessie Guest

    Gyp wrote in
    Pay the postage you tight git.

    As an aside:,,2087-1190563,00.html
    "Freepost cheats make a monkey of the Royal Mail"
    wessie, Aug 23, 2004
  4. Gyp

    Gyp Guest

    Except that wouldn't be enough either.
    Gyp, Aug 23, 2004
  5. Gyp

    Gyp Guest

    Oh, I'm quite happy to pay the postage if I have to, but I don't want to
    waste too much of my day going to the post office to find out that that
    I don't.

    My time is more precious than my money. That's why I use usenet. Oh,
    hang on...
    Gyp, Aug 23, 2004
  6. Gyp

    Verdigris Guest

    On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 21:38:24 +0100, Gyp wrote:

    Just what were you expecting to happen?
    Verdigris, Aug 23, 2004
  7. Gyp

    SteveH Guest

    SteveH, Aug 24, 2004
  8. Gyp

    Gyp Guest

    Well, as it was about 2 weeks from order to shipping (and I sent them
    copies of the offer letter and order confirmation as they said they had
    problems with their system) I would have expected them to either have
    said sorry, mistake, can't fulfil this order or sorry, mistake, are you
    happy to be charged $1000? Definitely the last thing I expected was for
    them to simply change to amount and charge it without contacting me.

    Once it became clear that it was a mistake I would have thought they
    would have offered my slightly better than a 7% discount.

    And as I offered to send it back, I thought it unreasonable for myself
    to have to pay shipping in both directions and pay a 10% restocking
    Gyp, Aug 24, 2004
  9. Gyp

    Snowleopard Guest

    what, like this:
    completely unnecessary block of text you forgot to snip from your
    Snowleopard, Aug 24, 2004
  10. Gyp

    Ben Blaney Guest



    Ben Blaney, Aug 24, 2004
  11. Gyp

    Verdigris Guest

    I still don't quite get it. Did you want the GPS unit, and expect to pay
    an appropriate amount for it? Or were you just wasting your and their

    Sure: what they did was unreasonable - and probably illegal, if they were
    a UK company - but I fail to see why you were dealing with them in the
    first place.
    Verdigris, Aug 25, 2004
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