Frame Welding

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by Ovenpaa, Jun 11, 2005.

  1. Ovenpaa

    Ovenpaa Guest

    Can anyone reccomend a TIG welding person in the North Bedfordshire
    area that can add stiffen a frame up for me to my drawings, it is pretty
    basic and localised plating, will not need a jig and should be no more
    than half a days work.

    Ovenpaa, Jun 11, 2005
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  2. Ovenpaa

    Lozzo Guest

    Ovenpaa says...
    There's a company called Multi-Weld somewhere around here run by an old
    scoolmate of mine called Howard Burnage. He's a top TIG welder, makes
    turbo intercoolers for people like the Nissan and Peugeot rally teams.
    Last I heard of him he was operating from Elstow Storage Depot, but
    they've closed all the units there, so god knows where he's moved to.
    Lozzo, Jun 12, 2005
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  3. Ovenpaa

    Fr Jack Guest

    McGregor/Boorman-type frame snappage imminent?


    Fr Jack
    96 Tiger.
    skype: fr.jack (without the dot)
    Open up your eyes, just to check that you're asleep, again
    Fr Jack, Jun 14, 2005
  4. Ovenpaa

    Ovenpaa Guest

    Sometime around Tue, 14 Jun 2005 02:17:33 +0100, Fr Jack babbled on about:
    Scary stuff, yes this is a BM however it is the start of a new project.
    These are HPN type mods before the event so to speak, mostly swing arm
    (monolever) swing arm pivot area, top tubes and behind and below the
    headstock area. Quickly followed by a new subframe.
    Ovenpaa, Jun 14, 2005
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