Founded this Tx.Group

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    How do you explain this e-mail that I have on this hard drive, you foolish
    idiot..?? Answer the question that man asked you... You blathering double
    talk is idiotic and don't you realize that all the people on this group who
    knows me personally is laughing at your nonsense..?? Answer the man..
    Bill Walker, Sep 10, 2004
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  2. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Sep 10, 2004
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  3. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... Won't fly Trash... I've already got a couple of offers to post that
    detestible e-mail.. Whether you answer the man's question or not, is beside
    the point..
    Bill Walker, Sep 10, 2004
  4. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    We'll have to get us another run together planned about halfway between us..
    If you can pry that old decrepit "time for bed", Ford pickup drivin' buddy
    of yours, hitched to his motorcycle long enough.. I'd sure enjoy it.. Being
    a retired "senior" of course, gives me a lot more time than you and IceMan..

    That's ok.. Name the day and the place.. we're there..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 10, 2004
  5. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    That's what I have been waiting for, twit.. Don't take my "word" for
    anything.. If you have a legitimate e-mail address, I will send you Texdays
    word. on his own e-mail.. If you will post it on this newsgroup.. How
    'bout that sport.. Group Hug. Now .. either STFU, or get with the program..

    Just so you don't get confused

    I am Bill Walker and I live in Irving, Tx. w/ a legitimate e-mail address..
    Bill Walker, Sep 10, 2004
  6. How do you explain this e-mail that I have on this hard drive, you
    foolish idiot..?? Answer the question that man asked you... You
    blathering double talk is idiotic and don't you realize that all the
    people on this group who knows me personally is laughing at your
    nonsense..?? Answer the man..
    I don't know about some of the others, but I forgot who ask the question
    Because this thread has gotten purty me.......bjay
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Sep 11, 2004
  7. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    Someone named Rob asked this piece of shit, if he accused me of molesting my
    son.. I don't know for sure who Rob is, but I'm glad he asked the asshole
    the question, even though I believe it surprised both of them when I told
    them I have the e-mail and sure want to post it.. I'm still waiting for
    Texdays to answer, but it seems like they both skipped... LOL.. That's ok..
    I've still got that e-mail saved and secure...

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 11, 2004
  8. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    LMAO.. Best judged by the company you keep.. right ?
    You and your so-called friends are sick puppies.. Fortunately .. you are ALL
    limited to usenet and don't pose a threat to anyone.. hmmm.. I'm sure that
    is "by design" , isn't it ?

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Sep 16, 2004
  9. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    Many thanks for the kind words.. I appreciate it..
    With all due respect, and as expected, the momentum will commence from the
    elite group.. Texdays seems to be a lonely and almost isolated creature that
    only wants to "belong" and be accepted by SOME group..

    In my opinion .. Texdays doesn't have the capacity to consider some of the
    comments that he has made on this group and some of the others, which he's
    visited.. Reference the Harley group .. He aligned himself with the group he
    perceived to be amongst a majority in

    He'd go to any lengths to become a part of that group and ingratiate himself
    with them.. His consistent attacks on Bill Walker was his ticket to do just
    that.. He crossed that line of decency when he sent me that detestible

    Everyone has to remember that Texdays was being manipulated, coached and
    prodded to even consider making most of the comments which he has made.. The
    ones who have done all that coaxing and encouraging, very carefully kept in
    the background so that could not be held responsible.. Very clever..

    Texdays could be considered a victim of this group, who in many respects
    USED him.. Don't consider that his stupidity excuses the contemptible
    character that he is.. It doesn't .. All it does is to point out that some
    of these others are even more contemptible than Texdays.. I just happened to
    have saved Texdays e-mail, and that is the reason that he will not deny what
    I've accused him of..

    Some of these "friends" who prompted Texdays, I didn't have to save anything
    from them.. Their detestible comments are posted on this newsgroup.. Still

    These people don't have enough self pride or dignity to be embarrassed by
    these incidents of comments..

    Again.. I thank you for the kind words and am encourged that there are a lot
    of good people who frequent this newsgroup.. Many of them I know personally
    and consider their friendship valuable..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 16, 2004
  10. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bownse Guest

    You must be joking...
    That was my personal experience. I came back to t.m after a long absence
    and was reading and interacting with him about his opinions like I would
    with anyone else. Some of his posts I agreed with. Some I didn't.
    Unfortunately, because I dared challenge some of his ideals with those
    of my own, I was transformed (in his mind) into someone who was hired to
    attack him personally. It only got worse from there. Eventually I
    realized what was happening and that it had nothing to do with the
    reality of how things progressed (and that there was nothing I could do
    short of scrapping MY ideals and claiming his as the personification of
    perfection), so I decided that the only course of action was to have fun
    by poking all the fragile bubbles he kept sending up in his political
    rants. That's when things for "interesting" as some dastardly conspiracy
    hatched in the recesses of his mind and festered until he started
    lashing out at random people (even those who had never disagreed with
    him). After a while the fun wore off, so I kill filed him. Now I only
    see his stuff when its quoted by someone else. I try not to even reply
    to those bits; preferring instead to reply to the other person as in
    this post.

    Different but strangely similar. In a work environment, when you have a
    bunch of interpersonal problems you have to deal with, the wise manager
    will look for the common thread. In most cases the reason for the
    problem isn't with the 20; it's with the 1.
    Bownse, Sep 16, 2004
  11. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    These two posts are perfect examples .. Even though these nitwits claim
    they have been "attacked" by me, the posts on this thread is the best
    indication of their own contributions to any differences that exist between
    us.. My own language is bad enough..(admittedly, many times over).. what is
    I've repeatedly asked all of your little "group" to explain which of my
    posts' you most disagree with.. So far, none of you have responded with ..
    even "one".. hmmm.. Isn't that strange ?

    Eventually I
    As have many on this newsgroup..

    and that it had nothing to do with the
    Which of the "bubbles" have you burst, Mark ? Perhaps the "bubbles" might be
    the ones that you fabricate to project an image that I exposed as phony..
    Shall we continue ?

    he kept sending up in his political
    LMAO.. I suppose that you'd give us a few of the names of "innocent
    bystanders" who were attacked by me ??

    After a while the fun wore off, so I kill filed him. Now I only
    There you go.. Clever strategy, even though it is unbelievable .. You are a
    devout coward, Mark Johnson.. with just enough wisdom to understand that
    some of your phony claims, are transparent .. You've encouraged simple
    minded individuals like Texdays to engage in the exchanges which you don't
    have the courage to participate in.. Exactly like this post, your responses
    are indirect and from ambush.. Commendable.. NOT..
    Hmmm.. Different.. not really.. Similar.. absolutely.. LOL.. Not really
    different because the pattern of this strategy is the same.. The faces are
    the same.. The effort is still the same.. Nah.. this isn't about politics or
    "wise manager's" or common threads.. It is about lack of character and phony
    representations .. Whatever challenge I represent to you and your juvenile
    group of E.O.B members has nothing to do with anything other than the
    detestible characters that you represent.. You are best known by the company
    you keep, Mark.. Your company doesn't speak well for YOU..This silly little
    girl that is involved in this post makes the point much better than anything
    that I might contribute..
    Bill Walker, Sep 16, 2004
  12. remember when he went after charles soto for merely suggesting bill calm
    down in his posts? also, bill thinks i "invaded" his computer, amongst
    his numerous other fantasies.
    bill's paranoia and dementia truly are the stuff of legend.
    another viewer, Sep 16, 2004
  13. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    LMAO.. That makes the "circle" pretty much complete.. I knew you could not
    resist.. I've never gone after Charles Soto.. I most certainly scolded him
    and he got the message, which you obviously didn't..

    That being said. let's address YOUR problem with me, Moran..Early on, your
    involvement on this newsgroup has been a fabrication of your own image,
    which you have consistently misrepresented and lied about.. When you
    commenced posting disgusting pornography on this group, you began to unravel
    that image .. When you insulted my wife on here, that pretty well destroyed
    your character as nothing more than the trash that you really are...

    Then when you made the claim that my son contributed to the death of my
    granddaughter, by neglecting her, you really tore it.. Not only with me and
    my son, but with every decent contributor and participant on this

    You and a couple of your fellow members of the so-called E.O.B. entity..
    LMAO.. are extrordinarily representatives of the sleaze that decent people,
    bikers or otherwise, detest and despise..

    Your lack of self pride and dignity causes you to not even realize that your
    actions on this newsgroup are not acceptable.. When you address me with your
    trashy nonsense, rest assured .. I WILL respond.. Otherwise..nothing you say
    has any interest for anyone other than your own level of trash..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Sep 16, 2004
  14. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bownse Guest

    Yep. That's one of the examples I was remembering. Charles has gone to
    bat for him more times than I can count. The two of them are "closer to
    the same side of the isle" than Charles and I are (my being libertarian
    (little L) and all). But in spite of all the times and tons of electrons
    Charles has transmitted showing support for him, he attacked Charles
    rabidly and without apparent justification. As far as I can remember the
    only reason was because Charles suggested that the tone of some of the
    (conspiracy?) posts might benefit from a softer tone.
    Bownse, Sep 17, 2004
  15. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    Just to refresh everyones memory.. why don't you just share with us, some of
    those times, that Charles "went to bat" for me.. I suspect that your
    killfile is working fine, these days.. huh.. Mark ?

    The two of them are "closer to
    LOL.. Really.. According to the posts that have been copied and pasted..
    seems to me that ol' Charles kinda did the attackin' and I responded by
    telling him to get "Fucked"... hmmm..Of course.. your little group of
    "elites" kinda pick and choose, don't they Mark?

    As far as I can remember the
    ROTFLMAO.. "conspiracy" .. my ass..

    Your credibility with all this crap is almost on a par with your credibility
    as a usenet Mason... along with some of your other counterfeit claims that
    I've raised questions about.. huh.. Mark ? You people should read your own
    posts.. Damn.. I've never seen such juvenile bullshit anywhere, in my

    Ah well.. it is extremely satisfying to me that I represent such a threat to
    a small group, like you folks.. Your concern for the way that I have treated
    Soto is heart warming.. I give Charles credit for having a lot more common
    sense than to be set up like you have done to a couple of your other
    so-called friends like ol' Texdays..Soto has already shown me full well,
    that I damn sure don't need a friend like him, but I give him full credit
    for being head and shoulders above your degree of intelligence..I've
    carefully avoided responding to any of Soto's posts, since I told him to
    "**** off" AFTER he "attacked me".. Since he has been suckered into this
    latest little episode, I may question my judgement when I defended some of
    his own silly comments on this group.. That's his choice..

    Creeps of the John Moran and Texdays class are not what I'd have ever
    considered that Soto would align himself with.. After your own debunking as
    any kind of Mason, it is kinda funny that he'd even consider YOU as
    anything, other than what you are.. My previous opinion of Charles Soto
    apparently was a very bad error of judgement on my part.. My judgement of
    you, Texdays, Albert Nurick ..and John Moran (AV) has been right on the
    money.. LOL.. You guys are bad jokes.. you don't even impress each other
    any longer..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Sep 17, 2004
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