
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Dusty, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. Dusty

    Dusty Guest

    Hey there how you all doing ? I have been so busy now that I have gone back
    to work. I had eye surgery on Friday the 13. Now to the point. I have found
    a mechanic that is going to do both forks foe me for $60.00.
    Not bad , I will miss out on the trip this week though . Oh well there will
    be other trips.
    Dusty, Aug 1, 2007
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  2. Dusty

    Anonymous Guest

    Eye surgery on Friday the 13th? Now that's brave....
    Anonymous, Aug 2, 2007
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  3. Dusty

    BJayKana Guest

    I'm gonna have to have ''Cadillac'' surgery...pretty soon. Gonna wait it
    out as long as pissable.-Bjay-
    BJayKana, Aug 2, 2007
  4. Dusty

    Jerry Guest

    What? Bjay, I am a city boy now and don't understand East Texas anymore.
    Jerry, Aug 2, 2007
  5. Dusty

    Anonymous Guest

    It's a derivative of cataract surgery, at least that's the
    general consensus. Apparently, the name is applied
    since the cataract surgery is quite expensive.

    Anonymous, Aug 2, 2007
  6. Dusty

    BJayKana Guest

    It's a derivative of cataract surgery, at least that's the general
    consensus. Apparently, the name is applied since the cataract surgery is
    quite expensive.

    I de'clare...I becha' that's It.
    For an Anonymous feller, you're pretty dern smart.
    However,I got it from a friend 0f mine; Roy D. Mercer. <g>

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Aug 3, 2007
  7. Dusty

    BJayKana Guest

    = (Anonymous)=wrote: topic: Cadillacs.
    --It's a derivative of cataract surgery, at least that's the general
    consensus. Apparently, the name is applied since the cataract surgery is
    quite expensive.
    Gary --

    I de'clare...I becha' that's It.
      For an Anonymous feller, you're pretty dern smart.
      However,I got it from a friend 0f mine; Roy D. Mercer. <g>
    ==Bjay here----yeah I see where you signed Gary??????Duh....what good
    does that do, if ya gotcha anuther ''online'' usenet pussyplay
    name....then sign the dang thang' Gary??? <wink>;)

    That's why ''I didnt'' particularly think of you, Gentlemen Gary Walker,
    oh buddy.}}

    I.B. Damn
    BJayKana, Aug 4, 2007
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