DORMITORY When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM PRESBYTERIAN When you rearrange the letters: BEST IN PRAYER ASTRONOMER When you rearrange the letters: MOON STARER DESPERATION When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT THE EYES When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE THE MORSE CODE When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS SLOT MACHINES When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME ANIMOSITY When you rearrange the letters: IS NO AMITY ELECTION RESULTS When you rearrange the letters: LIES - LET'S RECOUNT SNOOZE ALARMS When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S A DECIMAL POINT When you rearrange the letters: IM A DOT IN PLACE THE EARTHQUAKES When you rearrange the letters: THAT QUEER SHAKE ELEVEN PLUS TWO When you rearrange the letters: TWELVE PLUS ONE AND FOR THE GRAND FINALE: MOTHER-IN-LAW When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER -- XJ900 Trike GS850 Trike Some people are like slinkys.... no real use but it makes you smile when they fall down stairs!
<snip> What was that you were saying about not posting to UKRM in an attempt to be funny? -- Alex Hermes: "We can't afford that! Especially not Zoidberg!" Zoidberg: "They took away my credit cards!"
BORG wrote: <snip> As Scrabble doesn't allow hyphenations, nor more than one word at a time, this appeals to my liking for Scrabble about as much as it does to my sense of humour.
Did I say they were 'Funny' ? -- XJ900 Trike GS850 Trike Some people are like slinkys.... no real use but it makes you smile when they fall down stairs!
Good point, well made. OK, what's the point of posting unfunny stuff, then?[/QUOTE] Same as you I suppose. -- XJ900 Trike GS850 Trike Some people are like slinkys.... no real use but it makes you smile when they fall down stairs!