For the Record.. Again

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, May 9, 2005.

  1. "Tony D"
    What's REALLY funny is that all I have to do is
    SNIPE what little others post of his drivel. He
    really is permanently KF'd. Note I TRIMMED ALL of
    his post that you didn't. Why? Because he isn't
    worth the time...grunts like him scream, squall
    and carry on but guess who is ALWAYS bailing their
    shit out of the fire? Yep us Troopers, Red Legs
    and Medics. I used to think the DATS in Cav were
    stupid mouth breathers. THEN I ended up in 25th
    ID...what a bunch of ROCKS.

    Ping me with a addy tony and I'll get that out to
    you. Oh and did you know there are parts of South
    Korea that look just like WVa? Yep and you get the
    same creepy "banjo in the hills" feeling when you
    drive through, swear to god I expected to see some
    old guy on his front porch with an old dog to look
    at us and say "Ya ain't from 'round here are ya?
    Best not linger after dark boy" Fun place when you
    get to know the neighbors.

    Keith Schiffner
    RCOS #7
    Assistant to the Assistant Undersecretary of the
    Ministry of Silly Walks.
    "terrorist organization" is a redundancy
    Keith Schiffner, May 13, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Who is all these "us" you keep trolling for, Nurick.. ??
    Bill Walker, May 15, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    You seem to have.. You keep on referring to "us".. Us.. who ?

    You keep referring something to Elmer .. also.. What is it that you expect
    Elmer to do for you .. Nurick ? Tell him what's on your mind, Nurick.. he
    might be able to help you out, someway.. ROTFL...

    Here's another source for you Nurick.. you might want to contact TMRA II ..
    The chairman is REAL sensitive to Welfare Riders like you.. He'd be happy to
    entertain your complaints about who you won't associate with.. He's
    available on a toll free number, as well as e-mail..

    Shit or get off the pot, you wormy little welfare riding asshole..
    Bill Walker, May 15, 2005
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