For those having a boring Tuesday and who may wish to expand the mind. It's a little known fact that the world has been experiencing a Helium shortage, gas and liquid. Prices doubled and doubled again over the past decade. Not so much a problem with supply per se, but with capture and processing capacity, and with the Yanks. A situation that is due to improve but of today I have an MR scanner which is 9% above the critical point and BOC are struggling to supply me with a Flask. A large MR contains about 1200L of liquid helium. I'm mostly blaming Ivan and his monster magnets. Despite being the second most common element in the Universe (1) the process of planetary formation left no Helium here. Radioactive decay forms Helium-4 and this has accumulated in recoverable quantities in some Natural Gas fields. A limited and dwindling resource it is almost impossible to contain and recycle due to the Rollin Effect. So any dreams of a superconducting future should be put on ice. The science and physics of Helium in the solid, liquid and gaseous phases is *utterly* fascinating. Reading a little is a window into the nature of the universe and of matter (2). Someone has put up a great Wiki entry. [URL][/URL] (1) as observed to date (2) if it doesn't interest you check your pulse, you died last night