seems I can now post. I sent this one earlier to you but I can't see that it appeared on the list. just curious to know why you say cruisers are awkward on the highway. Any advice would be appreciated as I am thinking about getting one. thanks Kel
I did see it and I did respond (twice). [rummage rummage] I wrote; Huh; am I experiencing deja-vu or did you send this message a few days ago? (If not) OK; if there's a physical reason that a "normal" bike won't fit then sure; a cruiser will do the job. I wouldn't make them the first choice [where highway travel is a factor], that's all. (Although other quite experienced motorcyclists disagree) And earlier I wrote; But JL responded; Well compared to my first roadregistered bike a DT175, the CM250 baby cruiser I graduated to was an excellent highway bike !!! I dunno, I never had too much trouble with windsock effect at the speeds these things are capable of - on the VN750 there wasn't enough wind to be noticeably uncomfortable until about 160. None of the baby cruisers are going to get anywhere near that. Yes a GPX or VTR is a more sporting bike, but there's nothing wrong with the little cruisers for cruising at legal speeds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` If you want more then google is your friend; -- Clem [cynicism is all tool rampart] ~
I had a Z1300 a few years ago. With a full fairing it was real comfortable. I found I could ride it for hours. We did a trip away (700klm) and only stopped for coffee and fuel. Had a trailer on behind and sat on 155klms average speed... country roads back then did not have as much traffic on them. Only got a bit sore in the wrists in the first couple of trips with it. The upright position was great. But without a fairing it was a lot more work. A full fairing seems to balance the bike. A windscreen by itself would make the bike wobble at 130klms or higher. Now days I only have a gpz900r but that is comfy for me in long trips.