For Bjay

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by RL, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. RL

    RL Guest

    A report and question for Bjay.

    I had errands to run for work, so I headed west. There were a few things to
    pick up at the store and a run by the bank.
    I had to stop for the first red light and while waiting there, saw a
    motorcyle and it's rider coming towards me up to the intersection. This
    traffic light has a protected left and I knew it was about to change, giving
    the opposite side a red light. Well, this rider grabs brakes and his
    rearend almost broke out from under him, so he turns loose the brakes and
    rides on through the intesection on a red light, as my side had already
    changed. Now while he goes on through (luckily no cars turned in front of
    him), he reaches down and starts fiddling with something under the tank.
    He's bent over to the left side and it appeared he was *pretending* to
    adjust the petcock.

    I made it to all my stops and back to work without further incident, though
    I did see a lot of bikes on the road.

    Now my question is, what does the petcock have to do with not knowing how to
    do a quick stop and running a red light? ;-)

    Well, I gotta get back to work.


    Sunny Williams
    sunny will at tx vets period org
    IRPK, ISRA #7123, Deerslayers
    Director/Webmaster for
    Texas Veterans Assoc., Chapter 3
    "... if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his
    place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who
    know neither victory nor defeat."
    ~Teddy Roosevelt
    RL, Nov 20, 2006
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  2. RL

    louie Guest

    I bet he ran out of pay attention. I have an 'R' on mine for...

    louie, Nov 20, 2006
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  3. RL

    ShadowHawk Guest

    Damn.. I haven't laughed in a month.. That one got me.

    Rex S.
    ShadowHawk, Nov 20, 2006
  4. RL

    BJayKana Guest

    A report and question for Bjay.
    I had errands to run for work, so I headed west. There were a few things
    to pick up at the store and a run by the bank.
    I had to stop for the first red light and while waiting there, saw a
    motorcyle and it's rider coming towards me up to the intersection. This
    traffic light has a protected left and I knew it was about to change,
    giving the opposite side a red light. Well, this rider grabs brakes and
    his rearend almost broke out from under him, so he turns loose the
    brakes and rides on through the intesection on a red light, as my side
    had already changed. Now while he goes on through (luckily no cars
    turned in front of him), he reaches down and starts fiddling with
    something under the tank. He's bent over to the left side and it
    appeared he was *pretending* to adjust the petcock.
    I made it to all my stops and back to work without further incident,
    though I did see a lot of bikes on the road.
    Now my question is, what does the petcock have to do with not knowing
    how to do a quick stop and running a red light? ;-)
    Well, I gotta get back to work.
    Later. Sunny Williams-

    Thank you dear, and it appears you put forth a special effort, much
    But, other than an interesting Ride report, it was also rather humorous.
    I am glad the other rider didnt let the Bike get out from under him.
    (Now to answer the question.)
    Pet Cocks, sometimes are stubborn, especially when they get older.<wink>
    Seriously, though Sunny, he might have had to switch to reserve.
    Thanks for sharing, and to think you did the ride, and reported it, all
    on your lunch break, eh?
    This is what we need, to get our rating up.

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Nov 20, 2006
  5. RL

    redshad Guest

    I think he knew that people were watching him and he knew that they
    knew that he screwed up. He figured by messing with something around
    the engine or gas tank people would figure that he must be having
    engine problems and thats why he screwed up. Blame it on the engine and
    not me type deal. Its kinda like when you screw up, you always look to
    see if anyone seen you do it. LOL

    redshad, Nov 21, 2006
  6. RL

    RL Guest


    Sunny Williams
    sunny will at tx vets period org
    IRPK, ISRA #7123, Deerslayers
    Director/Webmaster for
    Texas Veterans Assoc., Chapter 3
    "... if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his
    place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who
    know neither victory nor defeat."
    ~Teddy Roosevelt
    RL, Nov 21, 2006
  7. RL

    RL Guest

    Bjay, see Redshad's reply below.
    I bet you be right. ;)

    Sunny Williams
    sunny will at tx vets period org
    IRPK, ISRA #7123, Deerslayers
    Director/Webmaster for
    Texas Veterans Assoc., Chapter 3
    "... if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his
    place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who
    know neither victory nor defeat."
    ~Teddy Roosevelt
    RL, Nov 21, 2006
  8. RL

    BJayKana Guest

    BJayKana wrote:
    A report and question for Bjay.
    I had errands to run for work, so I headed west. There were a few things
    to pick up at the store and a run by the bank. I had to stop for the
    first red light and while waiting there, saw a motorcyle and it's rider
    coming towards me up to the intersection. This traffic light has a
    protected left and I knew it was about to change, giving the opposite
    side a red light. Well, this rider grabs brakes and his rearend almost
    broke out from under him, so he turns loose the brakes and rides on
    through the intesection on a red light, as my side had already changed.
    Now while he goes on through (luckily no cars turned in front of him),
    he reaches down and starts fiddling with something under the tank. He's
    bent over to the left side and it appeared he was *pretending* to adjust
    the petcock. I made it to all my stops and back to work without further
    incident, though I did see a lot of bikes on the road. Now my question
    is, what does the petcock have to do with not knowing how to do a quick
    stop and running a red light? ;-) Well, I gotta get back to work.
    Later. Sunny Williams-

    Thank you dear, and it appears you put forth a special effort, much
    But, other than an interesting Ride report, it was also rather humorous.
    I am glad the other rider didnt let the Bike get out from under him.
    (Now to answer the question.)
    Pet Cocks, sometimes are stubborn, especially when they get older.<wink>
    Seriously, though Sunny, he might have had to switch to reserve. Thanks
    for sharing, and to think you did the ride, and reported it, all on your
    lunch break, eh?
    This is what we need, to get our rating up. (redneck-a-grinning-)

    Bjay, see Redshad's reply below.

    Red=shad replys--I think he knew that people were watching him and he
    knew that they knew that he screwed up. He figured by messing with
    something around the engine or gas tank people would figure that he must
    be having engine problems and thats why he screwed up. Blame it on the
    engine and not me type deal. Its kinda like when you screw up, you
    always look to see if anyone seen you do it. LOL

    ‘‘I bet you be right. ;)’’

    Sunny Williams--

    Mine or Red-shads reply?
    Mine was suppose to be cute.
    Pet Cocks? Pet Cocks?
    git' it?

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Nov 21, 2006
  9. SNIP
    Well excuse my froze in butt for answering but,
    that little act wasn't for you it was for the
    non-riding publice. As in "oh crap I ran out of
    gas and got distracted from my usual duties" or
    more simply put he was faking it to cover his
    screw up.
    Lucky you, was in the low end of the 30's all day
    AND 30-40mph winds out of the south all day. Not
    safe riding weather. Doesn't matter I had to
    baby-sit a Turkey on the smoker-grill.
    lol what indeed, better to run dry. Stop for the
    light. Flip the valve. Re-start and get going.

    Keith Schiffner

    <really annoyingly large sig>-- I ask for one
    thing: you who will survive this era, do not
    forget. forget neither the good men nor the evil.
    Gather together patiently the testimonies about
    those who have fallen. One of these days the
    present will be the past, and people will speak of
    "the great epoch" and of the nameless heroes who
    shaped history. I should like it to be known that
    there are no nameless heroes, that they were men,
    men who had names, faces, desires, and hopes, and
    that therefore the suffering of even the least
    among them was no smaller than the suffering of
    the foremost whose name endures in memory. I wish
    that they may remain close to you, like
    companions, like kinsmen LIKE YOURSELF. A
    Christian Czech resistance fighter executed by the
    Keith Schiffner, Nov 24, 2006
  10. RL

    RL Guest

    You hit the nail on the head.
    My temp guage hit 79F here yesterday but then _you_ know what Texas weather
    is like. ;)
    We ate at the VFW, so I didn't have to cook, except for a very large peach
    cobbler and a peach/cherry cobbler. It didn't take but a few minutes and
    both were scarfed up. I didn't even get a taste but those that did sure
    were happy, so that was alright. :)
    Well, he didn't reach for the petcock until after he attempted to stop,
    nearly lost it, then ran the red light. He was in the middle of the
    intersection when he reach down. That tells me he really wasn't running out
    of gas. He should have paid more attention when the light was changing,
    otherwise he could have ended up as brick mortar. Downtown Breckenridge
    main drag is red brick. On the best of days, sudden stops there can be
    hazardous. If the street had been damp, his bike might have slid through
    the intersection on it's side.

    Hope you had a good Turkey Day.
    Yeah Romo! Go Cowboys! <g>
    Sunny Williams
    sunny will at tx vets period org
    IRPK, ISRA #7123, Deerslayers
    Director/Webmaster for
    Texas Veterans Assoc., Chapter 3
    "... if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his
    place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who
    know neither victory nor defeat."
    ~Teddy Roosevelt
    RL, Nov 24, 2006
  11. odd, usually I get a thumb on the first swing...
    ah but I had pumpkin chesse cake, blueberry pie,
    mashed 'taters (with heavy cream) homemade
    sourdough whole wheat rolls...mmm good.
    yeah's been to -11 2-4" snow and I go to
    work at 11 this am. Never thought I'd be parked
    for the winter. Guess I'll have to get used to it.

    Keith Schiffner
    History does not record anywhere at any time a
    religion that has any rational basis. Religion is
    a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up
    to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff,
    most people do have a religion and spend time and
    money on it and seem to derive considerable
    pleasure from fiddling with it.
    Robert Heinlein
    Keith Schiffner, Nov 26, 2006
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