Follow up on Scootworks

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The chrome plated goodies for the belt drive conversion kit
    came in, right on schedule.. The good folks at Scootworks
    have done exactly what they said they'd do and gone above
    and beyond fulfilling their responsibility to stand behind their

    My good friends at Grapevine Kawasaki were not able to
    give me all the consideration that Scootworks did, but they
    did their best for cost breaks on their labor.. The tech that
    did the installation of the new pulleys and belt, took his time
    and went far beyond just the belt drive installation..

    The bottom line is.. the Green Vulcan now sports a shiny
    chrome rear pulley (solid steel), rather than the polished
    aluminum pulley that originally came with the conversion kit.

    That means.. that Green One is all set for another 80,000
    miles.. Got just a few routine maintenance items to take care
    of and that sucker is ready to hit the road.. Now, if the winter
    weather just co-operates a bit, we should be out and about
    in a short while..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 29, 2007
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  2. Bill Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    ==Glad to hear the Green Old Gal is ready for you to mount her, ev-en
    at your age........heheheheh=bjay=
    bj_kana, Nov 30, 2007
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I expect that it will.. The primary pulley was steel and the rear
    pulley was supposedly hardened aluminum.. They designed it
    to save weight.. Evidently, I wasn't the only one who had a pro-
    blem with that aluminum pulley, as I understand it, they don't
    even offer it anymore.. The steel primary pulley was beat up
    pretty good, but it wasn't virtually destroyed like that aluminum
    You can say that again.. I made that little jaunt out to Grapevine and
    damned near froze some of the important parts off.. lol.. Didn't
    dress for it, so it was my own damned fault..

    See you soon, Wakko.. Regards..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 30, 2007
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Watch it.. Watch it.. That kind of talk will get you in a lot of trouble..
    Hell, for that matter, you ain't far behind me..
    Bill Walker, Nov 30, 2007
  5. Bill Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    ==You watch it. Shoot, I'm young enough to be a 5th cousin, on your
    left footed uncle Goobers side. :) Bjay-
    bj_kana, Nov 30, 2007
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