Follow up.. Meeting

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, May 19, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Tarrant Chapter of TMRA II held their meeting last night.. Mike Alvey called
    the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.. There was a pretty decent turnout.. Not
    quite as many as we'd hoped for attended..

    As the legislative session winds down in Austin, it would seem that our
    Helmet Bill and the Failure to Yield Bill has pretty well lost steam for
    this Session..The Bill which we've supported.. to keep a gun in your vehicle
    has also gone the same way.. Our Insurance Bill is not going anywhere, and
    that one is a loss that we'll all feel effects from..

    There can be no doubt, this Session wasn't a good one, for us.. Even though
    many of the membership feels the losses very strongly, I continue to
    encourage everyone to take notice.. Texas Bikers made an impact on this
    Session.. Our presence was felt by representatives from every district in
    Texas, and each one of those reps will long remember the Legislative Session
    of 2005, as the year of the Bikers..

    When those elected representatives return to their districts, they will
    continue to be aware of our issues and concerns with our government, if each
    one of us makes the effort to stay in contact with them..

    Every motorcycle enthusiast who participated in this governmental process
    since January, can take pride in our accomplishments.. With approximately
    400,000 motorcycles registered in our state, the thousands of Bikers who are
    constituents of those representatives have finally impressed them, that we
    are a political force to be reckoned with.. Texas Motorcyclists can, and
    should, make the difference in every election in this state..

    What should be remembered is, our Bills didn't suffer defeats on the Floor
    of the House, they just ran out of time.. Our primary victory was the impact
    made by our presence in our State House..

    The State general membership meetin is being held in Brady, Tx. this
    Saturday.. District Advisors will meet at 11:00 AM and the membership
    meeting will follow at 1:00: PM.. A group will be gathering at the Waffle
    House at IH 35 and Alta Mesa, in Ft.Worth.. Friday evening at 7:00 PM.. We'd
    certainly need to get on the highway as soon as possible.. Anyone who'd like
    to ride with us, is welcome.. Otherwise.. see you all in Brady..

    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, May 19, 2005
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  2. Good Post

    mech2004holly, May 20, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Was there any discussion about the AMA effort to introduce legislation in
    every state?
    Wakko, May 20, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Not really.. I don't think anyone at this meeting has first hand knowledge
    of that effort.. The main discussions were pertaining to encroachment of
    Federal into State issues, which of course is opposed by TMRA II..

    The discussion of AMA's effort will undoubtedly by pretty widely addressed
    Saturday during the General Membership meeting.. Bikers from all over Texas
    will be attending and AMA's efforts will be voted on.. I'm sure that TMRA II
    will support these efforts..

    TMRA II works well in co-ordination with all the motorcycle advocacy groups,
    such as AMA, ABATE and the COC.. AMA works well with TMRA II on most issues
    and the only time I can recall any opposition between them was the issue of
    the EPA regulation which would curtail modification of ignition, exhaust and
    carburetion .. TMRA II opposed the regulation and it seemed that AMA leaned
    in the direction of support for it, at one time..

    All the State District Advisors will meet prior to the General Membership
    meeting .. That is where agendas are planned and they'll present those
    proposals to their Chapter membership to vote on..

    I might point out, again.. These meetings are open to the public and can be
    attended by anyone with motorcycle rights concerns.. Non-members are
    listened to and their ideas are given due consideration.. These meetings
    will be one of the last opportunities to make those ideas and opinions
    known, before the agendas for the upcoming year will be set.. Critics of
    TMRA II are especially invited to attend, as well as the passive

    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, May 20, 2005
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