Follow up (It's Finished)

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, May 27, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sad to say, guess it isn't quite finished, yet.. Checked the "newsgroup"
    this morning and it would seem that Texdays, Margarit M. and Tim Morrow
    hasn't got the message .. Ol' Mags is even talking about a shootout, or
    something.. (qualifying her comments about that, of course) .. John Moran
    and Mark Johnson are both scrambling around to take down websites and pages
    that are exposing their phony claims.. This can go on as long as this crew
    of Trash can stand it.. The playing field is becoming more level with each
    post.. Or.. it can be finished.. Looks like the "Series" that I commenced is
    finishing itself.. Hmmm..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, May 27, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bownse Guest

    I can't speak for others, but, as with other claims made against me,
    this is false.
    Bownse, May 28, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Is it ? Strange that you have begun all these denials just as your bosum
    buddy, John Moran .. just got his double "fatass" exposed.. As in the other
    thread, your denials are being responded to .. Prove that anything I've said
    about you is "false", Mark... As soon as the exposure of John Moran hit
    this newsgroup, the webpages commenced to go offline and virus attachments
    started flying.. Too little .. too late...
    Bill Walker, May 28, 2004
  4. Bill and Brain Walker lying and making outlandish statements on the
    newsgroup? No surprise that, it's practically a daily occurence.

    Anyone who has spent anytime reading this group knows they do that on a
    regular basis hoping it will serve some odd purpose in their distorted
    grasp of reality. It would be a sisyphusian task to untwist their lies
    and innuendo and they are not worth the time; their absurd posting
    record speaks for itself. Bill and Brain are merely two braying
    jackasses and are, or should be, treated accordingly. To wit:

    Just recently, I was riding leisurely along a country road enjoying the
    nice weather. Up ahead, I noticed a jackass standing in a field to my
    left. As I passed that field, the jackass brayed loudly, intruding on
    the pleasant atmosphere. The braying of the jackass irritated me, but I
    had no desire to bray at the jackass in return. Neither did I have any
    urge to stop and attempt to start a conversation with the jackass. There
    are reasons that I felt the best thing for me to do was to continue on
    my merry way.

    1. Even if I begin braying in return, it will have absolutely no
    meaning to the jackass.

    2. If reasonable people observe me braying at the jackass they will,
    at best, think I am an idiot. At worst, they are likely to think that
    I am a jackass also.

    3. I understand jackasses well enough to know that it is a waste of
    time to attempt to carry on a meaningful conversation with a jackass.

    4. Life is too short for me to attempt to teach a jackass to

    5. Regardless of how much time I spend braying, or attempting to
    communicate with the jackass, I recognize that, when I travel on......


    Just a few words to some of you reasonably intelligent people that
    seem determined to respond to the braying jackasses we frequently
    another viewer, May 28, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    That seems to be the "only" story you know... LMAO.. huh Fat Boy. Might as
    well start signing your posts with your "real name".. John.. How wide is
    that seat on your motorcycle ?? hmmm... No disgusting "porn" links on this
    post ? Damn John.. TexDays and ol' Mark Johnson are going to lose
    confidence in you.. See you in Galveston, next month..
    Bill Walker, May 29, 2004
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Guess I was wrong again.. OK.. It ain't over till it's OVER... At least the
    "Players" are beginning to come out in the OPEN... Guess that's what
    happens... Want something done "right" .. better do it yourself.. huh ?
    Ain't gonna be a "tea social" Leonel.. What has happenned to John Moran this
    week is just the beginning.. Damn.. you guys are too stupid to know when you
    are well off.. This little idiotic post of yours is typical.. Pitiful..
    Bill Walker, May 29, 2004
  7. Sunny, you have it pretty much on the money. Many people have
    recognized and said he's a nutcase, and this is one of the best
    descriptions to date. One of the worst things about mental illness is
    the person has occassional fleeting moments when they might realize
    there is a problem, but the mania takes over quickly again and the
    delusions overcome reality. The biggest tipoff is when it's always the
    same person who is having problems dealing with many other diverse
    people. The fantasies multiply and the person goes further into the
    daydream and less in touch with daily existence. Strangers who don't
    know the individual won't pick up on the symptoms, but those who watch
    the person over time can see the changes occurring. I think we have had
    that demonstrated.

    The manifestation of the disease can be described as a roller coaster,
    where each run up is a little less back into reality and each slide down
    is a little deeper into delusion. With each cycle, the trend continues
    deeper down the m/d path.
    another viewer, May 29, 2004
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    What "nail" was she going to hit Trash... ?? LMAO..
    Bill Walker, May 29, 2004
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The Trashy Three gathers ... LMAO... Ol' Josh, or whatever... stilll sending
    those old e-mails, you lying trashy idiot.?. Ol' Sunny or Leonel
    Williams... barmaid with an arrest record.. <chuckle> some jail time
    involved there.. huh Leonel ?? And then there is the "round" boy from
    Galveston... John Moran.. the gaysite porno poster.. The self proclaimed
    Iron Butt Association member.. Not to mention the Waltz Across Texas
    competitor who rode 547 miles in 12 hours with a 0 score.. No points.. What
    was that "award" for, again John.. Come on guys.. give me a break.. LOL.. I
    am on the ropes with all this criticism.. Have a good evening.. It gets
    "funner and funner"..
    Bill Walker, May 29, 2004
  10. I think it may, but even then someone has to intervene and get him into
    treatment. What are the odds of that happening? You see crazy people
    on the street all the time. He's just one more.
    another viewer, May 29, 2004
  11. It makes for about as random of a grouping of ppl as you can get, with
    the common thread of motorcycles and usenet access. What's curious is
    the response achieved in other groups where he posts and it's the same
    thing as here.

    Simply amazing so how many people can all be so wrong at the same time
    across two or three separate and random groupings with only one and the
    same person being the only one 100% correct. Uncanny. :^D

    There's also the common thread across those groups of his inability to
    deal with conflict that quickly devolves to the cursing and insults, as
    well as the incomplete sentence structure that follows his stream of
    conciousness thinking. The mania is moving so fast the fingers can't
    keep up, so the thoughts become fragmented in print, bouncing around
    like a pinball. It makes perfect sense to him, but it's a broken pile
    of phrases to the outside reader. You can see it modulate day to day in
    the posts and just about predict when it's going to devolve again. It's
    really a pretty classic case, symptomatically speaking.
    another viewer, May 29, 2004
  12. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... You look like a Beach Ball with a Headache, John.. That little
    scraggly beard and the ponytail doesn't do much for you either... I'd give a
    "hundred" to see you and ... hmmm... nah.. Not a good thought..Whoops ..
    finally figured out how you picked that silly "alias".. You really are
    "another viewer", aren't you John... Greasy little "fat pervert"... Guess
    you do the best with what you got..
    Bill Walker, May 29, 2004
  13. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    You and ol' John Moran are gonna hafta' get a room if you keep this up..
    Barmaid with a record, looks like a fireplug with a limp with a beach ball
    with a headache, scraggly little beard and a pony tail.. LOL.. Funny part
    is, neither one is smart enough to understand when someone is trying to let
    them off the hook. Sheesh.. what a crew.. Face it Leonel.. ol' John could
    never whup my ass, and he can't run fast enough to get away.. you really are
    not doing him any favors... And what you got to offer sure isn't worth
    Bill Walker, May 29, 2004
  14. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn John.. you know more about me than I do.. Never knew of all those
    groups I am supposed to frequent..:LOL.. You and ol' Mark Johnson sure
    solicit help when you get cornered, don't you.. WHERE THEY ALL AT.. John ??
    Whew.. looks like you are on your own.. Leonel damn sure ain't coming to
    your rescue.. She's got problems of her own.. She's hoping to get you to
    carry her water... ain't that a corker...?? Now that she has finally seen
    what you look like, she's thinkin'... "hmmm.. Rodent"... I can see how you
    only did that 547 in 12.. That old "round butt" can't hold out for more
    than that ... huh John ??? Never did say what that "award thingy" was
    all about... "Biggest Pussy on the Run".. or something... Choke on it,
    Slug.. Galveston isn't big enough..
    Bill Walker, May 29, 2004
  15. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Watch out for the livestock on the way.. LMAO..
    Bill Walker, May 29, 2004
  16. Have an excellent and safe ride. How old is she?
    another viewer, May 29, 2004
  17. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    It is pretty clear what your intentions were with this post. I simply remind
    you and your readers that you are not a mental health professional. Since you
    are not qualified to make a professional diagnosis, you might want to reconsider
    the wisdom of making the attempt, especially in public.

    From the site you linked:

    <begin quote>

    The contents of the Site, such as text, graphics, images,
    information obtained from's licensors, and other material
    contained on the Site ("Content") are for informational
    purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional
    medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your
    physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have
    regarding a medical condition.

    <end quote>

    If you are sincerely trying to deal with what you believe is a mental illness or
    a personality disorder, please seek help from at least one competent mental
    health professional. Please.

    -- Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, May 29, 2004
  18. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest


    You display in this post some insight into some of the difficulties associated
    with different disorders. I don't know how you came by these insights, but I do
    know you are not professionally qualified to determine their applicability in
    specific cases.

    The fact that you agree with Sunny's assessment does not mean it is "on the

    If you are sincerely trying to deal with what you believe is a mental illness or
    a personality disorder, please seek help from at least one competent mental
    health professional. Please.

    -- Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, May 29, 2004
  19. Oma, I appreciate your comments and know they are well intentioned.
    However, please be aware that I have been involved with the Baylor
    College of Medicine in clinical research for over 30 years, as well as
    having experience in the clinical and pathology laboratory. This is not
    something I go around touting as it makes no difference to anyone
    outside of the medical research community and it is but one of several
    pursuits. I bring this up only since you inquired.

    Typical of many disorders, the person who needs the help will not seek
    it on his own and will likely not have an intervention to get him to
    help until a crisis manifests itself. Consequently, the disorder left
    untreated will increasingly demonstrate its symptoms over time. I have
    encouraged the person to seek treatment. True differential diagnosis of
    the disorder is not possible over the internet, but the obvious symptoms
    are available for review and commentary and they do fit certain patterns
    and progressions well enough to recommend diagnosis and treatment for
    that individual. The fact that it is acted out from time to time on
    this newsgroup is beyond question which leads me to believe it is also
    acted out in that individuals day to day existence. As to whether that
    person ever receives treatment is something I have no control over
    other than to recommend it. Simultaneously, the disorder does not excuse
    his antisocial behavior and the ramifications thereof, both here and in
    real life.

    another viewer, May 29, 2004
  20. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    And just where did you get your degree ?

    This is not
    Inquiring minds would like to know where you studied this field and which
    degrees do you claim to have..??
    In what form would you expect that "crisis" to "manifest" itself ??

    Consequently, the disorder left
    As a practitioner of what field, do you make your recommendations ?

    True differential diagnosis of
    Hmmm.. Now that is quite extraordinary.. Your perceptions must be very
    "acute".. Which "patterns" and "progressions" indicate all the disturbances
    you have perceived ?

    The fact that it is acted out from time to time on
    Well now, Dr. Moran.. quite an exceptional little commentary about your
    unqualified opinion of someone who you have never seen or heard speak.
    Anyone foolish enough to presume that they might convince anyone of their
    expertise in such an area, would be silly enough to cause a great deal of
    harm to the public, should they be taken seriously . My search into the
    academic archives have revealed no such name in any of their clinical or
    medical research projects .. There is also no mention of John A. Moran in
    any of the curricula of student attendance.. Hmmm... as a matter of fact,
    John A.Moran is "unheard" of with any search's pertaining to John A.Moran
    relating to student attendance, faculty or associate research.. If you have
    evidence of contradiction to any of these findings, please feel free to
    substantiate your claims of affiliation with Baylor university.. In one
    discussion with a faculty member of that great institution (she lives in
    Arlington) the claims you have just made are undoubtedly the result of an
    overextended imagination and fabrication... That being the case, all the
    comments are plainly delusional and the result of a warped personality that
    is deviant to the extreme.. Evidence of this can be found in past postings
    of deviant pornography and association .. Representations of this disgusting
    tendency can be discovered in your insulting allusions to another man's wife
    .. Examples of the lies that you have ascribed to on this newsgroup are only
    furthur indicators that you are a totally despicable individual without
    logic or dignity.. To pursue such attacks is only exemplifying your totally
    discredited personae that you have attempted to create.. In other words..
    you are full of shit and a detestable little fat boy.. Pitiful in all
    respects with nothing to offer to anyone and without the morals to achieve
    even imaginary stature..
    Bill Walker, May 29, 2004
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