Follow up and Encourage

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Due to some personal complications, I will be unable to attend the District
    Advisors meeting in Austin, tomorrow.. Sat. Nov. 13th...

    The importance of this meeting is critical and I encourage and urge everyone
    who rides a motorcycle to attend and participate in this meeting.. Whether
    you are a member or not.. TMRA II has a welcome for you.. The meetings are
    open and available to all the public..

    I'm very disappointed that I'll be unable to be there.. but.. everyone
    should find something of interest in this most important of gatherings.. will be associated with some of the finest and most courageous
    of the bikers amongst us.. The experience will definitely be one that will
    be unforgettable.. Your voices will be heard and respected .. Your concerns
    will be considered and you'll enjoy the fellowship of some of the finest in
    our state.. Go there..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 12, 2004
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