FOAK: Wireless Video/Audio Sender

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Cane, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. Cane

    Cane Guest

    Cane, Jun 25, 2007
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  2. Cane

    elyob Guest

    elyob, Jun 25, 2007
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  3. Cane

    antonye Guest

    Most of them work fine, tbh. We bought ours from Aldi[1]
    for about £25 to watch Sky in the bedroom. The magic eye
    thing works great as it allows you to change channels
    with the Sky remote over it too ... except somebody
    close by must have bought one as they kept changing
    our Sky box! A quick change of the WiFi channel (4 options)
    and it stopped. Although one channel we can't use due
    to too much interference; I think they use the 2.4GHz
    "public" band which is the same as [computer] WiFi?

    [1] I'm painting this pikey picture now, aren't I ?
    antonye, Jun 25, 2007
  4. Cane

    Christofire Guest

    Yes and no. I've never seen one working so I don't know, but I thought
    I'd advise as I know nothing about it.

    I'd buy something IIWY.
    Christofire, Jun 25, 2007
  5. Cane

    Cane Guest

    "Q) will this sender have interference problems with a Gemtek 802.11b/
    g Wireless LAN 2.4 GHz compliant networking to BT1800HG hub - jim
    A) Yes it will"

    Cane, Jun 25, 2007
  6. Cane

    Ferger Guest

    Cane secured a place in history by writing:
    Having done a bit of research on this in the past, I concluded 'Buy on
    price'. So it's probably a good choice. They are (or were then) all much
    of a muchness.

    I have a sender and two receivers in the house. They work very well,
    except when they don't. Times when they don't include:

    Whilst using wireless internet near either end.
    When the microwave's on.
    When next-door's microwave is on.
    Whilst using a DECT phone right next to the receiver.
    When some local form of interference kicks in, which looks nothing like
    either of the above, but seems prevalent in late afternoon.

    But, on the whole, they've been very good value for kitchen and kiddy's
    room. A wired connection would be a lot more stable (and cheaper), but
    you'll have to do a bit of DIY....
    Ferger, Jun 25, 2007
  7. Cane

    gomez Guest

    I have used an AEI V/S for several years now with mostly good results.
    I get occasional co-interference with my Wi-Fi depending on the
    micro-climate in my bedroom which I can overcome by opening (or
    closing) the bedroom door. Make sure you get one which with a channel
    selector so you avoid conflicts with other users of V/S and Wi-Fi
    round about you.
    gomez, Jun 26, 2007
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