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Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by marina, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. marina

    Lady Nina Guest

    Good, I'll be watching.
    I'm a luddite, don't ask me.

    I have always had access to the geekiness of husband, partners and
    friends. I feed them pizza and wine, or have sex with them dependant
    on the nature of the relationship, they fix things. So I'd advise
    Marina to get a geek on the side.
    Lady Nina, Aug 26, 2004
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  2. Husband gets the pizza, partners the wine, yes?
    William Grainger, Aug 26, 2004
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  3. I was going to ask for a (reduced file size) copy.

    But I won't bother now.
    William Grainger, Aug 26, 2004
  4. marina

    Lady Nina Guest

    I can see where you're going with this but as Ginge fixed my tool bar
    invasion, can I just say - NO!

    It's my wedding anniversary tomorrow - it would be really cruel to
    send a card with divorce papers inside wouldn't it?

    How late can you send next day delivery?
    Lady Nina, Aug 26, 2004
  5. Antoine wrote
    Hey look at that. Nice one Marina, well done girl. Keep up the good
    steve auvache, Aug 26, 2004
  6. marina

    marina Guest

    Done that, got rid of loads, freed up a whole 0.5 MB. Wow.
    Done that too.
    I don't know how.
    Whenever I've run scandisk, I've always cleared out the .chk files
    right away. They are always rubbish anyway.

    Thanks to all for the good advice - it looks as though I'll have to
    wait for Matt the mate to come round to help me. Meanwhile, I can't
    print. I can take a floppy to my Mum though, for anything urgent.

    Marina Mayes - Reading, UK. To email me remove XX from my address
    SR250 - on the road again. BOTAFOT12, BOD#2, BOTAFOS#2
    KotLBOD#s, KotLBOTAFOS#s,IMC#2, Tart#10-19, SR#3
    Original Sinergy - wicked T-shirts for a wicked world:
    I never give in to fear or blackmail; I always give in to temptation.
    "You're a national treasure" - porl, 18.1.03
    marina, Aug 26, 2004
  7. Antoine wrote
    Fucking weak spined apologists. The fucking place is awash with them.
    steve auvache, Aug 26, 2004
  8. marina

    marina Guest

    Those are the total sizes.
    Can't afford at the moment.

    Marina Mayes - Reading, UK. To email me remove XX from my address
    SR250 - on the road again. BOTAFOT12, BOD#2, BOTAFOS#2
    KotLBOD#s, KotLBOTAFOS#s,IMC#2, Tart#10-19, SR#3
    Original Sinergy - wicked T-shirts for a wicked world:
    I never give in to fear or blackmail; I always give in to temptation.
    "You're a national treasure" - porl, 18.1.03
    marina, Aug 26, 2004
  9. marina

    marina Guest

    I have one! Matt, formerly of this parish. (I do the feeding/watering
    bit, you understand.) But he came and went, and hasn't been back yet.
    Sigh - me too.

    Marina Mayes - Reading, UK. To email me remove XX from my address
    SR250 - on the road again. BOTAFOT12, BOD#2, BOTAFOS#2
    KotLBOD#s, KotLBOTAFOS#s,IMC#2, Tart#10-19, SR#3
    Original Sinergy - wicked T-shirts for a wicked world:
    I never give in to fear or blackmail; I always give in to temptation.
    "You're a national treasure" - porl, 18.1.03
    marina, Aug 26, 2004
  10. marina

    prawn Guest

    <click> <BANG> <thud>
    prawn, Aug 26, 2004
  11. marina

    Sir.Tony Guest

    Its CB-1 400. He rides too fast on the road. I saw him jump a red light.

    U all ride safely, now ;-)
    Sir.Tony, Aug 26, 2004
  12. marina

    Sir.Tony Guest

    Its CB-1 400. He rides too fast on the road. I saw him jump a red light.

    U all ride safely, now ;-)
    Sir.Tony, Aug 26, 2004
  13. marina

    Muck Guest

    marina wrote:
    I still use Dos on one of my machines, browse the web, email, mp3, route
    plan (for Muck values of route) and IRC... although not all at once. :)
    Muck, Aug 26, 2004
  14. Slightly, yes.
    For the proper cruel, bunny-boiling-esque touch, hand deliver
    at 2am.
    William Grainger, Aug 27, 2004
  15. marina

    marina Guest

    Hey - it's our wedding anniversary at the weekend too! Our 5th; that's
    wood, apparently. Ah, the question has to be, will Owen get wood? Bank
    Holiday anniversaries rock - always a holiday. We don't celebrate the
    date, the whole weekend is always ours. Mind you, with a niece's 4th
    birthday and helping to cater for our godson's christening, there's
    not going to be much time for us this year.

    Marina Mayes - Reading, UK. To email me remove XX from my address
    SR250 - on the road again. BOTAFOT12, BOD#2, BOTAFOS#2
    KotLBOD#s, KotLBOTAFOS#s,IMC#2, Tart#10-19, SR#3
    Original Sinergy - wicked T-shirts for a wicked world:
    I never give in to fear or blackmail; I always give in to temptation.
    "You're a national treasure" - porl, 18.1.03
    marina, Aug 27, 2004
  16. marina

    marina Guest

    <takes a bow> Mind you, he does seem to know what he's talking about
    and he sent me the prog, so he's not all bad.

    Marina Mayes - Reading, UK. To email me remove XX from my address
    SR250 - on the road again. BOTAFOT12, BOD#2, BOTAFOS#2
    KotLBOD#s, KotLBOTAFOS#s,IMC#2, Tart#10-19, SR#3
    Original Sinergy - wicked T-shirts for a wicked world:
    I never give in to fear or blackmail; I always give in to temptation.
    "You're a national treasure" - porl, 18.1.03
    marina, Aug 27, 2004
  17. marina wrote
    One the less obvious bugbears of widowhood has been wedding
    anniversaries. Apart from the obvious sadness and shit I am not getting
    the benefits of relatives buying all sorts of useful household stuff
    that has worn out over the years. A right bugger it is.
    steve auvache, Aug 27, 2004
  18. marina

    Lady Nina Guest

    Wish I had, he's just been a complete and utter fuckwit. I'm bored of
    being the reasonable grown up, I want to throw tantrums because I
    don't get my own way for a change.

    I'm thinking about employing Simes services when he's finished with
    sir.tony. Body disposal has been pre booked.
    Lady Nina, Aug 27, 2004
  19. marina

    Lady Nina Guest

    Being a widow would be easier. More sadness, but at least all the
    'what ifs' are removed. Plus not having to come face to face with your
    **** ups every other weekend.
    We used to buy something we wanted that had no useful purpose (looks
    at the flying witches on the wall) as a joint present to each other.
    No one else got us presents ever, I think the two sets of parents
    sent a card.
    That's the kids job now, why else do you bring the little sods up if
    not to get you useful household stuff on demand?
    Lady Nina, Aug 27, 2004
  20. marina

    marina Guest

    About the sadness, I can do nowt but I can cheer you up on the pressie
    score - nobody, relatives or otherwise, buys us stuff anyway.

    Marina Mayes - Reading, UK. To email me remove XX from my address
    SR250 - on the road again. BOTAFOT12, BOD#2, BOTAFOS#2
    KotLBOD#s, KotLBOTAFOS#s,IMC#2, Tart#10-19, SR#3
    Original Sinergy - wicked T-shirts for a wicked world:
    I never give in to fear or blackmail; I always give in to temptation.
    "You're a national treasure" - porl, 18.1.03
    marina, Aug 27, 2004
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