Hi, I realise this is off topic but stuff along this line has been discussed here occasionally, hope you don't mind and I hope someone is bored enough to chuck their two bob's worth in : I'm stumbling closer to my sojourn in the UK and have a couple of questions re what's standard practise re: CV's / resumes. - Have been told max 2 pages is the accepted norm, is this true (Oz is usually 4 or 5) ? - If the above is correct would anyone be willing to have a look at [URL]http://au.geocities.com/v12daimler/summary-cv_1.0b.pdf[/URL] and comment on what they think should be reduced, expanded, changed, deleted, whatever ? Just realised after uploading that there's no contact details or residency status, oops, will update with a "c" version shortly. - one of the pro forma CVs on a website included a line for "hobbies and interests" do employers over there REALLY give a monkey's what I do in my spare time ? I certainly have never enquired when hiring people... - My primary value is the fact that I have a foot in both the IT and the finance/business camps and hence can fix off track projects because I can understand both sides of the issues. How the hell do I communicate that in so few words, or is that best attempted in a cover letter ? My Aussie CV has a skillsets summary at the start where I try and peddle my arse^H^H^H sorry "highlight my skillsets and value add" - how do you guys try and put that out there ? ] - Are there any job titles or phrases that need explanation ? ie do you guys use the term "Program Manager" ? The Yanks use Project Director IIANM (gets used here occasionally too). - Lastly, what are the best websites for jobseekers in the IT/finance sector of the market ? Thanks for any assistance