Any advice on a way of getting rid of telephone spam ? Specifically, really annoying debt management related calls for a third party or parties, which was for the number they previously held which was transferred to us unwittingly by BT. Not a frequency of daily calls but at least once a month up to three times a week or more. The really annoying part is how they call and its got fuck all to do with us, as I could deal better with phone spam for myself. But for another party is seriously taking the piss. Tried telephone preference but this seems more of an "opt in" service which phone spammers wouldn't bother with. Was also thinking on the lines of a harrasment complaint (for multiple calls where it has been specifically asked to remove this data), or a more serious concern of lack of data protection / deliberate information sharing on information that is no longer relevant / accurate. I might be missing some other useful way of sorting it so just wondered if any helpful advice might be forthcoming on this. The wierd thing is how the companies seem to be different each time. Ones things for sure, some idiot must have ran up a lot of debt with several companies to get this much attention.