FOAK - search engines

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Ovenpaa, May 9, 2005.

  1. Ovenpaa

    Ovenpaa Guest

    UKRM(1) sure does lead to some interesting converations in our little
    house, tonight was censoreship, this lead to China and then to Google (I
    live with an academic)and ultimately to a straw poll of which search
    engine is best for what. Now my argument would be that Yahoo and Google
    must be within maybe 20% for the number of hits returned per search
    however this does not appear to be the case:

    Everday life they are fairly even.
    Destruction war etc Google is up by maybe 20%.
    Porn shows Yahoo giving double the hits.

    No doubt our test was very flawed with considerations like cached pages,
    refreshes and lots of other factors not being taken into account, however
    there is no doubting that Yahoo gives morer hits for the seedier side of
    life, so I guess my ultimate question is how censored is Google even in
    the Western world?

    (1) This time without the SO using the cnut word.
    Ovenpaa, May 9, 2005
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  2. Ovenpaa

    tallbloke Guest

    tallbloke, May 9, 2005
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  3. Ovenpaa

    rb Guest

    rb, May 9, 2005
  4. Ovenpaa

    sweller Guest

    They may have some very compelling arguments [1] but when they're
    presented like this: "Extra evil inserted into [the Google] toolbar", it
    does have the whiff of non toxic green wax crayon about it.

    [1] Having read some of the stuff I'm yet to be convinced.
    sweller, May 10, 2005
  5. Ovenpaa

    tallbloke Guest

    It's written for an american audience primarily.
    There's very little written that I agree with completely, but there are
    some useful nuggets in there.
    tallbloke, May 10, 2005
  6. Ovenpaa

    darsy Guest

    well, if you compare apples and oranges, your results are going to be
    darsy, May 10, 2005
  7. Ovenpaa

    Krusty Guest

    Don't forget Google doesn't count 'similar pages' unless you tell it to
    by clicking the link on the last page of results. For example a google
    for "" gives "about 5,390" pages, but if you go to the
    last one & click the "repeat the search with the omitted results
    included" link it jumps to "about 8,800" pages.
    Krusty, May 10, 2005
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