OK, so I know this might not seem the best place to post a car related question, but as a long time lurker on this group, I'd value your comments/opinions. Scenario: me, (learner driver) all legal & above board, car insured, MOT'd, displaying L plates & accompanied by experienced driver. Driving along main road. Small side road on the left, with a car stopped at the give way lines. As I approached the side road, the other car pulled out (driver appeared to be talking to passenger) causing me to swerve quite drastically to the right. This took me towards oncoming traffic, so I had to swerve back left to get out of their way. Unfortunately, due to overcompensation/inexperience I ended up approx 4 1/2 feet away from the nearside kerb. Sadly, the BMW parked there was about 5 1/2 feet wide. Well, you can guess the rest..... That happened about 2 weeks ago. Police attended the scene & took statements. At no time was prosecution, either intended or potential, mentioned. Yesterday, I receive a 'questionnaire' from the local Police office, asking for details of the accident. No mention of intended prosecution, but the questionnaire asks if there are any dates I wouldn't be available to attend court, & the return address is 'Prosecutions Office'. Having only been driving a few months, I don't know whether or not this is normal practise following an accident. Am I being paranoid, or am I about to get stuck with a DWDCA charge? The driver of the other car claimed that she was parked outside her house the whole time. As far as I know, there were no independant witnesses. Yes, my car was a Renault. Just to keep vaguely on topic, I've got a CBT booked for 14/11.