FOAK:Recommendations for Business 3G/WiFi DataCards WorldWide

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Antonio, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. Antonio

    Antonio Guest

    I am looking for a business solution for roaming internet access, moving
    away from legacy Ras and starting to evaluate the competitors for this
    business and was wondering if anyone had covered this already.

    I've got access to and been checking out the Orange Business Everywhere
    cards but the WiFi side seems a bit less capable than I thought it would be,
    but its not a bad card for bare bones 3G access thats for sure but I am far
    from decided yet.
    Noting the Orange s/w can even be disposed of as you can just dial the 3G
    connection, although it does lose some of the advantages of the connection
    manager (if there are any).

    I have seen various reviews and comparisons (a zdnet trial of 4 providers
    dates back to 2004) and perhaps another one of the strongest contenders may
    be Vodaphone but I have also had discussions with Equant relating to their
    solutions, but nothing solid as far as an actual trial which at least I have
    with Orange.
    I think this was the link which may still hold some value but the
    competition may have hotted up since then,39023970,39167071,00.htm

    So, I was wondering by querying this past the FOAK- has anyone been through
    this already, already have such a card solution in place and can
    recommend/recommend against certain solution providers? Cheers.
    <Ruling out mobile satellite, its just *way* too expensive>
    I have my own connection manager/checks for VPN working pretty well, so its
    really bare bones connectivity that is required.

    I think it was T-mobile I came across a link for with a suggestion of free
    wifi access for a year, but to hell if I can find it now. I think the
    coverage of WiFi is still a bit patchy isn't it, so perhaps the biggest
    competition is the quality and cost of 3G ?
    Antonio, Mar 15, 2006
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  2. Antonio

    Ali Hopkins Guest

    Vodafone is excellent, ime.

    Ali Hopkins, Mar 15, 2006
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  3. Antonio

    Antonio Guest

    Appreciate that insight, thanks. Any feedback on the software mgr they use?
    Theirs is a 3G/grps only card isnt it - not WiFi to worry about I take it
    (the problem with Orange - e.g. the WiFi conflicts and does not work well on
    the IBM T41 unless the built-in Cisco is disabled).
    Antonio, Mar 15, 2006
  4. Antonio

    Ali Hopkins Guest

    Yup. 3G only, my laptop has separate WiFi. The software was very easy to
    install and I've had no issues with it, if that counts as feedback. And
    I've installed it on several other laptops, TAAW. Takes about three minutes
    and it just works. Dead boring.

    The one thing I *did* discover, was that it's advisable to turn the
    laptop's integral WiFi OFF whilst using 3G, it seems to conflict at times.
    Which seems to gel with the Orange comment, I guess. And dependant on area,
    you get the thing of it dropping back to GPRS at times, but that's par for
    the course. Speed is excellent, I was using it for working at home till I
    got me broadband sorted.

    Does that help?

    cheers, Ali
    Ali Hopkins, Mar 15, 2006
  5. Antonio

    Antonio Guest

    Yeah thanks.
    Heres some interesting points (relative to the subject anyway) :-

    Orange s/w and Vodafone are interoperable with the H/W (either written as
    so, or very similar/exact h/w to suite their package).
    Also, O2's installer is practically identical to Voda's in how it goes about
    doing the setup/how its been written (although the drivers don't work
    exactly for 3G, on the Orange dual card even though it has a list of drivers
    but the wireless bit does nevertheless). Voda and Orange S/W seems
    completely interchangable with the dual Orange card - you can dial grps/3G
    using their s/w so long as you blank out the securities instead of Voda's.

    I think however this compatibility between Orange and Voda may be moreso
    because they want to support as many types of device as possible, or could
    be equally the fact the Option/Globetrotter card thingy may be in fact a
    commonly used card or chipset.

    I cant say I was much more impressed with the Voda S/W interface though -
    the WLan side of things did not manage to detect my internal hotspot or
    prompt me for encryption - which at least the Orange S/W does, but forgets
    it/has no place to succesfully remember it ("usual wlan" area does not
    manage to do this, also no hotspot search facility exactly). Whether this is
    depend on its own H/W to work I don't know but it seemed to suggest it would
    only hook to Voda hotspots, which in my mind is a bit limited.

    Still not completely certain yet on a positive choice and way forward, but
    if you look at costs I think Voda are defo more competitive than Orange.
    Antonio, Mar 16, 2006
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