FOAK - NIP query from transport police

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Chris N Deuchar, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. SWMBO and I were somewhat surprised to receive a NIP from the
    Transport Police regarding 'Failure to observe a traffic sign' at a
    level crossing. She has to advise who was driving. However the truth
    is we are not sure as we can't place any such 'failure' at all. So
    what is this likely to be about, and how do we (respectfully!) say
    'We don't know - was it a man or a woman'?

    I am particularly pi$$ed off as I have literally only just passed my
    LGV C+E test (hurrah!) and observation is a crucial part of all this.
    (It is also why I haven't been round UKRM for the last three months.)
    Neither of us have ever incurred points before in 30-40 years
    driving/riding - which may sound boring, but I would really like to
    keep it that way!


    Chris D
    Chris N Deuchar, Aug 6, 2007
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  2. Chris N Deuchar

    Hog Guest

    Simple, you write back and ask for the photographic evidence. The form
    should have something about this in fact?
    Hog, Aug 6, 2007
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  3. Interesting there is no mention of this. The SAE supplied for return
    of the form (to the transport police in Derby) has a different
    address from the one on the letter (normal police in Beeston, Notts).
    To whom do I make the request?

    In fact the whole thing seems a bit dodgy. They give a specific time
    of the 'offence' but do not mention which direction the vehicle (our
    van) was travelling, nor what sign is supposed to have been ignored.

    I have photographed and measured the site today and there are a
    number of, er, safety issues since the thing was rebuilt about a year
    ago - which are frankly very dangerous for pedestrians and the
    hundreds of horsey girls that seem to use the roads around here. I
    guess now wouldn't be a good time to point these out, although they
    might have some relevance?

    Chris D
    Chris N Deuchar, Aug 6, 2007
  4. Chris N Deuchar

    sweller Guest

    Are these the amoral cunts who have perfectly legitimate laws to enforce?

    Given that this appears to be a level crossing, I have very little
    sympathy. The timings on crossings are tight and impacts above 40mph are
    very likely to derail the train and harm the traincrew and passengers.
    sweller, Aug 6, 2007
  5. Chris N Deuchar

    sweller Guest

    He wasn't and my ire wasn't directed at him. More Des with his the gov't
    are the man.

    BTP are a bunch of cunts anyway: "Too shit for the Met".
    sweller, Aug 6, 2007
  6. Chris N Deuchar

    sweller Guest

    Not being allowed to pile a car into a train is a pretty legitimate law
    in my book.
    sweller, Aug 6, 2007
  7. With whom?

    As things are, we don't even know what alleged offence has been
    contravened, nor in what way!

    As for tight timings, the amber displays for just two seconds before
    the reds start and the barriers come down. It is then two minutes
    overall before a train arrives. In one direction the lights and
    barriers are 25m (I measured it!) from the tracks. A vehicle
    travelling slowly (20 mph? - it is bumpy and on a bend after all)
    over the crossing could therefore find itself 'locked in' on the
    rails and never even see amber - and as for pedestrians or horses...!
    Well it is 42m between the sets of barriers - enough for a couple of
    artics or so?

    ....but we don't even know if its lights. It says 'sign' in the
    letter. Is a traffic light a sign in this context? There is bu**er
    all else to contravene - although, as a teenager 38 years ago, since
    receiving a wagging finger warning from a police officer, personlly I
    have religiously avoided the double white lines on the approaches.
    SWMBO just doesn't do 'illegal', ok?

    Chris D
    Chris N Deuchar, Aug 6, 2007
  8. Look you thick twat, you are a driver, therefore you are a legitimate
    source of taxation unto the seventh generation. If you don't fucking
    like it then try fucking voting.

    Welcome back by the way.
    steve auvache, Aug 6, 2007
  9. Chris N Deuchar

    sweller Guest

    People who deliberately jump LC lights - not that I'm saying you did -
    and for the record I'm a train driver and have seen the results of others
    misfortune and shit myself with some pretty close calls.

    The photo should prove it one way or another. As others have said this
    the first point of call. Bear in mind BTP are, on the whole, idiots.
    Did I mention I have a low opinion of them?

    Depends what type of crossing - sounds like it's full barriers which are
    controlled by a signalbox and the signal for the train isn't cleared
    until the signalman has checked the crossing is clear (CCTV).

    If it's half barrier the timings can be as little as 20 seconds between
    barriers start and train arrival. As the exits aren't blocked you have
    an escape but get stuck and it's all over.

    Yes. The penalty camera should be linked to the red - in the same way as
    they are on traffic lights.
    sweller, Aug 6, 2007
  10. Chris N Deuchar

    sweller Guest

    sweller, Aug 6, 2007
  11. Chris N Deuchar

    Ace Guest

    Trouble is, if you reply to the faux-yid, many sensible folk won't
    realise it, as he won't appear in the thread of those sensible enough
    to have kf'd him. So it only causes confusion.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ DS#8 BOTAFOT#3 SbS#2 UKRMMA#13 DFV#8 SKA#2 IBB#10
    `\\ | //'
    Ace, Aug 6, 2007
  12. Chris N Deuchar

    AW Guest

    I used to have an acquaintance [1] who was in BTP. Your assessment is
    spot on. As I recall his career was: went to Uni, dropped out, joined
    the RN, dropped out. joined the Met, dropped/kicked out, joined
    BTP....then I mercifully lost touch with him.

    [1] One of those ones that joins a group and latches onto various
    people in turn until they individually get fed up with him and tell
    him to sod off.
    AW, Aug 6, 2007
  13. Chris N Deuchar

    sweller Guest

    sweller, Aug 6, 2007
  14. Chris N Deuchar

    R Guest

    Ask for pic evidence.
    Plead that without such evidence can they prove your plate had not been
    R, Aug 6, 2007
  15. Damn. Only fourth generation...[1]
    Thanks :)

    Chris D
    [1] "don't vote, it only encourages them" - 1970s slogan written by
    Chris N Deuchar, Aug 7, 2007
  16. Then you have *my* sympathy. I did consider train driving as an
    alternative to trucking, but decided there were too many twats on
    crossings, kids with air rifles, bricks off bridges, Land Rovers on
    the track, numpty rail track contractors etc.
    At least with a truck you have the means to swerve [1]
    Accepted - still don't know which address to contact though - or
    should we just fill in the form with both our names and ask them to
    supply photo to confirm identity?
    It is now double half-barriers - and yes there is cctv from about 50
    feet directly above.
    This was the previous format
    Understood ta.
    However there is no visible penalty camera - just the cctv.

    Chris D
    [1] regardless of how impossible or inadvisable this might be!
    Chris N Deuchar, Aug 7, 2007
  17. The transport police, or the regular police who sent the letter?

    Chris D
    Chris N Deuchar, Aug 7, 2007
  18. Good point. Noted, ta.

    Chris D
    Chris N Deuchar, Aug 7, 2007
  19. Chris N Deuchar

    Hog Guest

    I suggest to whoever sent you the NIP
    Hog, Aug 7, 2007
  20. Chris N Deuchar

    Nick Guest

    I had a pretty pointless debate on usenet once with one of the chaps[1]
    who runs the motorway signs about their definition of "sign".

    ISTR that something can be a "sign" rather than a "message" even though
    it looks like text - for instance the "Fog" sign that you see sometimes
    on motorways. So a confusing definition is all too possible in your


    [1] He also had no answer for or indeed and opinion about the time delay
    problem in "Congestion Ahead" messages (Congestion is 5 miles ahead but
    has vanished by the time you get there). Which was baffling.
    Nick, Aug 7, 2007
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