FOAK: Mobiles

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Doki, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. Doki

    ogden Guest

    Sad, isn't it. I get really fucked off when people dick about with them
    in meetings too.

    Email is the only thing a Blackberry even attempts to do well. Every
    other aspect to the thing is utter, utter, utter, unmitigated shit. And
    I don't particularly care whether my phone supports email in the first

    I've bitched about mine so much I've been offered a Samsung device
    instead, running Windows Mobile. Honestly, it's like trying to judge a
    shiniest turd contest.
    ogden, Oct 22, 2009
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  2. Doki

    ginge Guest

    I'm happy we don't have email on our work phones at all.

    I'm unhappy our work phones are all Blackberries.

    If you can make any sense of the logic behind this I'd love to know.
    ginge, Oct 22, 2009
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  3. Doki

    Hog Guest

    There is financial sense if roaming overseas a lot
    Hog, Oct 22, 2009
  4. Doki

    Hog Guest

    As I say there is a flat rate international tariff which saves some
    companies a hoooge amount of money. But it doesn't seem difficult to
    just identify the roaming staff who might need one!

    It was interesting to see in Asia the proliferation of rather nice
    looking (sim free) phones we never get in the UK/EU market. Lots with
    slide out QWERTY keyboards.
    Hog, Oct 22, 2009
  5. Doki

    Ben Guest

    You mean you aren't subjected to the delights of Lotus Notes Traveler?
    Ben, Oct 22, 2009
  6. Doki

    ginge Guest

    No, it's full blown notes and vpn for everything.
    ginge, Oct 22, 2009
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