FOAK: Luggage shipping

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by David Ellis, Jan 10, 2005.

  1. David Ellis

    David Ellis Guest

    On the way to last year's TT we met a chap at Warwick services who was
    also going for race week and only had a small back pack with him. He'd
    shipped his luggage ahead but being ex manx was having his parents
    post it back to him.

    For this year's TT I was thinking about doing similar and shipping our
    luggage ahead and having it picked up from the hotel after we leave to
    make life comfier for swmbo who's on the back of the blade. As we are
    leaving on the Sunday posting isn't really an option.

    Normally I use Oxford Sport panniers, but fully loaded and extended
    there's not a lot of room for the missus to put her feet on the pegs.

    Fed Ex have a luggage service but it's not cheap circa 149UKP. I could
    just use a normal courier but I wondered whether anyone has done this
    and has any recommendations.
    Apart from leaving the missus at home.
    David Ellis, Jan 10, 2005
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  2. David Ellis

    wessie Guest

    David Ellis emerged from their own little world to say
    Send her on a plane with a suitcase.

    I went to Italy with a chap who did this. We rode through France etc. He
    collected his wife at Verona airport. She spent 5 days with us in the
    Italian Lakes/Dolomites. She flew home, we rode back.
    wessie, Jan 10, 2005
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  3. David Ellis

    Lozzo Guest

    David Ellis says...
    How much??

    **** me, what a rip off.

    Box it up in a cardboard box and send it by Securicor to any address you
    like in IoM and it prolly won't cost more than 25 quid each way.
    Lozzo, Jan 10, 2005
  4. David Ellis

    David Ellis Guest

    In the 3rd Millenium, on 10 Jan 2005 00:35:12 GMT, wessie
    A good idea for that distance but Liverpool or Heysham is only 200
    miles or so and anyway she likes being pillion for some strange
    David Ellis, Jan 10, 2005
  5. David Ellis

    David Ellis Guest

    In the 3rd Millenium, on Mon, 10 Jan 2005 00:35:13 -0000, Lozzo
    That's what I had more or less decided but I just didn't fancy the
    thought of some twat pinching our stuff and me explaining to the
    missus that her clothes had vanished. [1] Over the years my firm has
    used loads of well known couriers and you'd be amazed how much goes
    I use the post office quite a bit for Ebay items and have never had a
    problem but the IOM post office will probably be shut on the Sunday
    when we leave and I won't be able to carry a largeish box on the bike
    I suppose I could post it out and have a courier pick it up for the
    [1] Wouldn't mind so much on the return leg as the thought of some
    scrote discovering my dirty underwear would compensate somewhat.
    David Ellis, Jan 10, 2005
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