Excellent, I shall make these my cheep NIC of choice from now on [1]. [1] in fact I more or less had already as the last time I ordered a batch of 10 [2] from Ebuyer they didn't have any realtek ones so I got the SIS 900s, can't say I've actually noticed [3] any difference but I've got reasonably powerful PCs. [2] I don't know where they go, they are like Biros [3] One thing I have noticed is that it's hard to buy NICs that do WOL through the irritating little cable, most of them do it direct through the PCI slot which is great if the MB supports that, but some don't, where have all the old type gone? -- Bob Currently borrowing a black and red Yamaha XJ750 with fuel injection Present: Honda XL125RF (FS) Past: Honda CG125 bob at homeurl tomato dot co dot uk remove the red fruit if you’d like to email me.