FOAK: Dog training and 'shock' collars

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Stoneskin, Sep 8, 2004.

  1. Stoneskin

    Champ Guest

    Of course - I thought you knew that?
    Champ, Sep 8, 2004
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  2. Stoneskin

    porl Guest

    I would have worn something more revealing if I'd known.
    porl, Sep 8, 2004
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  3. Stoneskin

    mups Guest

    Ben Blaney says...
    We've outsourced it.
    mups, Sep 8, 2004
  4. Stoneskin

    flashgorman Guest

    I think he suspects his comments might polarise opinion somewhat.
    flashgorman, Sep 8, 2004
  5. Stoneskin

    Ben Guest

    Never been out of work though, least not for more than a week or so.
    Ben, Sep 8, 2004
  6. Stoneskin

    Stoneskin Guest

    porl left a note on my windscreen which said:
    Firstly it has to be addressed that I don't think having a pet is, in
    any way, a 'need'. The only exception is, arguably, the use of working
    animals which has declined considerably.

    Secondly I would be interested to hear what you would describe as a
    common pet - such as domestic dogs or domestic cats' natural habitat.

    I acquired my dog out of desire. Firstly the undesirable, to me,
    alternative of this particular dog being destroyed. Secondly the desire
    to have a dog. A non-pet person such as yourself may not understand my
    reasons but that doesn't make them any less valid.
    In the case of domestic pets then their only function is to exist as
    members of the family - I agree with that. However, maybe not to
    yourself, but pets can provide mutual enjoyment, companionship and love
    in a family and I see nothing wrong with that whatsoever. The same
    could be addressed to people who have children. Some adults may not
    want to but I do not begrudge people who's opinions on these matters
    differ to my own.

    Maybe in some sense of 'kill everything and let god sort them out' you
    are correct in your opinion and I am wrong. In the case of domestic
    pets they don't have a natural habitat outside of the home and the
    eradication of all domestic cats and dogs may not have much implication
    in the natural world as they are only unnecessary servants of mankind.
    But I find the idea of the extermination of species or sub-species quite
    abhorrent for whatever reason perhaps unfathomable to yourself.

    Having said all that I have the strangest feeling I have been trolled.
    The bait was obviously quite a juicy one.
    Stoneskin, Sep 8, 2004
  7. Stoneskin

    Champ Guest

    Well, yes. But, I'm fairly sure Ben meant what he said, so I don't
    think that count as a troll.
    Champ, Sep 8, 2004
  8. Stoneskin

    Stoneskin Guest

    Champ left a note on my windscreen which said:
    But owner and pet have a *mutual* relationship. You cannot argue a dog
    doesn't get any sort of benefit with companionship and safety.
    Stoneskin, Sep 8, 2004
  9. Stoneskin

    porl Guest

    Sure, blind guide dogs, etc. They help mankind, despite still being bred
    into slavery. Lucky us. Not so lucky them.
    Valid to you, no doubt. I would offer that the subject of your slavery not
    only has no recourse to dispute your reasons but also wouldn't understand
    How do you know? Humans can barely express a coherent idea of "love", even
    less can agree on a definition. It seems naive of _you_ to think that
    animals can share this elusive concept, much less adhere to our own
    morality, especially as a result of slavery.
    Extermination would be an uncomfortable solution. A natural dying out would
    be fine.
    Not a troll. I find it astonishing that so much hypocrisy abounds in the
    pet-owners world that is parallel to the human world and people don't see
    porl, Sep 8, 2004
  10. Stoneskin

    Ben Blaney Guest

    The dog doesn't get to electrocute you though.
    Ben Blaney, Sep 8, 2004
  11. Stoneskin

    Champ Guest

    If the relationship is mutual, explain to me how the dog would choose
    to leave it.
    Champ, Sep 8, 2004
  12. Stoneskin

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I'm not doing anything here that I wouldn't do in a pub - I like to
    throw a metaphorical hand grenade into a conversation and watch it go
    off. And yeah, most often that's to give me an opportunity to
    forcefully state that I'm right, and sometimes it's to give other
    people an opportunity to make themselves look stupid.

    If that's trolling, so be it.
    Ben Blaney, Sep 8, 2004
  13. Stoneskin

    Ginge Guest

    You've not seen the littlest hobo, have you?
    Ginge, Sep 8, 2004
  14. Stoneskin

    Mike Guest

    OI. If I want to make myself look stupid I'll do it when I want.
    I don't need help from anybody.
    Mike, Sep 8, 2004
  15. Stoneskin

    flashgorman Guest

    Yebbut look at that film "The Incredible Journey" where a dog, a cat and (I
    think) an octopus travel hundreds of miles to find the owners they love.
    flashgorman, Sep 8, 2004
  16. Stoneskin

    Eddie Guest

    You seen the film, or read the book?

    I read the book a couple of months, and really enjoyed it.
    Eddie, Sep 8, 2004
  17. Seen the first twenty minutes of the film. Then Ellen started crying,
    so I had to go and tend to her; not seen the rest yet.
    It might get searched out at some point...

    William Grainger, Sep 8, 2004
  18. Generally they don't. Which is why there are far far more abused dogs
    than cats recovered by people like the RSPCA.

    A dog will stay with someone who mistreats it (and it considers to be
    pack) until it either goes mad and attacks or dies..

    Phil Launchbury, Sep 8, 2004
  19. Stoneskin

    Eddie Guest

    How were the first twenty minutes, then? Good enough to make it worth
    watching the rest?
    Do it.
    Some Japanese dude.

    Ummm... Koushun Takami (translated by Yuji Oniki)
    Eddie, Sep 8, 2004
  20. Nice emotive words Porl. "Slavery". Yeah!

    Dogs are pack animals. They need to be part of a pack (even if it's
    only a pack of two). Their instinct is to follow the orders of the

    A well-looked after guide dog is as happy a creature as you could hope
    to find..
    There you go. That S word again.

    Hint - dogs don't understand slavery. They understand pack.
    Sigh. That S word again. Hint (again). Dogs *want* to be part of a
    pack. Even if the pack leader only has 2 legs and is very very tall.
    And doesn't seem to want to sniff butts.

    A dog without a pack is a very very unhappy dog indeed.
    Pets != humans. They have very different psychology to us. What would
    be an intolerable situation to a human is great happiness to a dog.

    Hint (the third) - look at how 'wild' dogs act..

    Phil Launchbury, Sep 8, 2004
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