FOAK: Dog training and 'shock' collars

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Stoneskin, Sep 8, 2004.

  1. Stoneskin

    AndrewR Guest

    Well I've only got one (and it's staying that way), but as she lives without
    fear I'm pretty sure she'll get her knee down before me.

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Sep 9, 2004
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  2. Minced beef with mashed tatties; shepherd's pie.
    William Grainger, Sep 9, 2004
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  3. Stoneskin

    Lady Nina Guest

    Aint that the truth.
    Lady Nina, Sep 9, 2004
  4. Stoneskin

    Stoneskin Guest

    porl left a note on my windscreen which said:
    I'll try and make it a bit clearer - you cannot protect a moral if you
    are perfectly willing to break said moral in the process - see?

    You cannot deny a species the facility to reproduce without imposing
    your own will on that species. So in order to protect our morality we
    would simply have to stop caring for them - thousands would die and
    you've just contradicted yourself by saying that keeping animals for
    life-preserving purposes would be OK.

    Are you telling me you cannot see a contradiction here?

    Secondly if you feel strong enough about usung animals for our own
    puposes then you wouldn't be buying animal produce. Or would keeping
    produce animals in order to satisfy your lifestyle be OK?
    A bird in a bush is worth two on the bed.
    Stoneskin, Sep 9, 2004
  5. Stoneskin

    platypus Guest

    "for walks"?

    platypus, Sep 9, 2004
  6. Stoneskin

    Champ Guest

    <fx: licks Nina in friendly fashion>
    Champ, Sep 9, 2004
  7. Stoneskin

    porl Guest


    We _already_ deny species the facility to reproduce. We cut their nuts off
    and remove their ovaries. We breed them to be unable to reproduce. Etc.

    You did know this, didn't you?

    Yeah that would be fine. I'm happy with eating them. The point for the 756th
    time is:

    Humans' Motivation for Keeping Animals as Pets.

    Not for food, I understand that- same with clothing. I'm talking about the
    need for animal companionship and the associated anthropomorphisising that
    occurs in expectation, projecting human morality and justification. It's all
    bullshit and this is what I want to discuss. NOT animal welfare and not my
    hypocritical burger-addiction.
    porl, Sep 9, 2004
  8. Stoneskin

    AndrewR Guest

    AndrewR, Sep 9, 2004
  9. Phil Launchbury wrote
    Disagree most strongly. I suppose you would have to put a label of
    degree on sapient to gain a consensus but that they conscious is in no
    steve auvache, Sep 9, 2004
  10. Stoneskin

    Lady Nina Guest

    My immediate thought was 'Down boy' then I realised the implications.
    Next thought was slapping you with a rolled up newspaper - again, not

    So it's off to the vet with you. It's a kindness really at your age.
    Lady Nina, Sep 9, 2004
  11. Stoneskin

    Champ Guest

    Woof woof!
    <Innocent big brown trusting eyes>
    Champ, Sep 9, 2004
  12. Stoneskin

    ogden Guest

    ogden, Sep 9, 2004
  13. Stoneskin

    Lady Nina Guest

    Oh all right then, I'll let you live, I'll just get the vet to neuter
    Lady Nina, Sep 9, 2004
  14. Stoneskin

    Lady Nina Guest

    Being a fan of the repetive 'why' technique myself, I found the reply
    'Because God told me to' gives pause for thought.
    Lady Nina, Sep 9, 2004
  15. Stoneskin

    porl Guest

    porl, Sep 9, 2004
  16. Stoneskin

    Pip Guest

    Look well with those eyes, little Champydog.

    That ironbound oaken door in front of you is the entrance to my
    killfile. It's quite crowded in there at the moment, you'd have lots
    of little friends to talk to. I don't expect you'd like it much,
    Pip, Sep 9, 2004
  17. Stoneskin

    porl Guest

    I've found that asking them back "Why what?" often makes them realise
    they're not actually listening and have just beem asking "why?" for no
    reason. Then they shut up.
    porl, Sep 9, 2004
  18. Stoneskin

    Champ Guest

    Crikey - a little bit of a game with the girls and you go all
    killfiley on me. And, what with the recently imposed toll on
    discussing a certain island - what would you have me talk about?
    Champ, Sep 9, 2004
  19. Champ wrote
    Not all of us. Some of us think you are a hero and read everything you
    steve auvache, Sep 9, 2004
  20. Stoneskin

    Stoneskin Guest

    porl left a note on my windscreen which said:
    It's not a 'need' it's a desire. And there's no less justification in
    keeping pets because you enjoy it than there is with any other activity.

    I enjoy keeping and training a dog. If welfare is not your point then
    explain why you take exception to my enjoyment in pet-keeping.
    Stoneskin, Sep 9, 2004
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