I've just checked my bike's shims and it has two slightly tight ones and two baggy ones. One inlet 0.1mm and one exhaust 0.15mm. According to the Haynes manual (yes, I know) the clearance for the inlet is 0.11mm - 0.15mm and the exhaust is 0.16mm - 0.20mm. I also have an inlet at 0.16mm and an exhaust at 0.22mm. I thought that common thinking says that shim clearances tighten up over time? This also coincides with a "tick tick tick" sound that I get most noticeably when first starting the bike. This noise is definitely coming from the offside of the engine and up at the valve gear. This is also the side that I have the two baggy shims. Would shims that are out ( by only 0.1mm and 0.2mm admittedly) cause a ticky clicky noise like tappets that need adjusted? That's what it sounds like. I would also prefer when I tackle these to have a shimming tool. The Haynes manual refers to a "universal" shimming tool. Where could I get one of these from? My local bike shop that has been around since I first wobbled on a bike looked at me blankly and said "Eh? A what? Never heard of them." Is the good old Haynes manual talking bollocks? They do show a picture right enough. Now, to be a cheeky git. Would anyone have a shimming tool that I could borrow? Yes, I know, you don't know me from Adam and I could be anybody. But I am very honest. Honest! It will be returned.