Flipping mechanics

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Beelzebub@Work, May 6, 2005.

  1. Took the R6 for its service and MOT yesterday morning - picked it up
    last night and rode home. Gear selection had felt a little notchy, so
    once home thought I'd have a look once backed into garden. That cleared
    up why it felt notchy - 'kin chain was near straining on the sprockets
    (could feel it clearly when backing it up). So, it was out with the
    spanners and a spot of re-adjustment so it now has a bit of slack in

    Why oh why do they feel the need to adjust the chain so tightly? This
    is the second bike shop I've been to that's done this. As long as
    there's no danger of the chain bouncing off the sprockets, I'd much
    rather the chain was slightly too loose than too tight (although I'd
    much prefer that they could adjust the chain correctly in the first

    Beelzebub@Work, May 6, 2005
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  2. Beelzebub@Work

    Krusty Guest

    If they **** up with something as simple as the chain, imagine what
    they've done to the valve clearances...

    This sort of thing is precisely why I do all my own maintenance now,
    despite the effect the lack of 'FSH' may have on resale value
    (especially on the MV). In fact the letters 'FSH' are more likely to
    put me off a used bike these days.

    Even shops I know and trust(ed) have made monumental ****-ups, & some
    of the stories on the Yahoo groups are enough to put you off ever
    letting your bike near a mechanic again. For example the MV main dealer
    who over-tightened the plugs so much one of them blew out due to the
    partially stripped thread, resulting in a new cylinder head (this was a
    dealer with an excellent reputation). Or the other MV main dealer who
    used semi-synth oil because fully synth "makes the clutch slip". And
    who fitted a 750 oil filter to a 1000, which the factory specifically
    say shouldn't be done due to different pop-off valve ratings. Or the
    other dealer who left someone's plugs so loose the only thing stopping
    them unwinding was the caps.
    Krusty, May 6, 2005
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  3. Beelzebub@Work

    Catman Guest


    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7 155 TS
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, May 6, 2005
  4. Well yes, that's why I do tend to check the obvious bits when I get it
    back. As I've said up there ^^, that's very likely the end of the
    Yamaha FSH now. I have spanners, I have a Haynes BoL and I am
    certified to wield an angle grinder - what more would one need!
    Beelzebub@Work, May 6, 2005
  5. Beelzebub@Work

    Krusty Guest

    Judging by the contents of my garage, a lot! Although the line between
    'need' & 'want' does get a little fuzzy at times[1]...

    [1] Fondles iPlasma Cutter fondly.
    Krusty, May 6, 2005
  6. Sadly, that's very probably the case - tbh, these have been the best of
    a bad bunch too. Suspect this will be last proper Yamaha service I'll
    have done.
    Beelzebub@Work, May 6, 2005
  7. Beelzebub@Work

    Chris Soanes Guest

    Seconded, although I Timo'd the engine so badly the first time I tried
    to do the valve clearances[1] I ended up putting a new crankshaft in -
    which was when i actually started learning how to spanner properly.
    Maybe we should advertise with FUKRMSH in future.


    [1] See http://www.livejournal.com/users/christiffer/7392.html
    Chris Soanes, May 6, 2005
  8. Beelzebub@Work

    Christofire Guest

    Dissatisfaction with dealer servicing was why I did my own servicing on
    the SV. The decider was the last dealership[1] replacing the front HH
    brake pads with non-HH pads and not pointing this out[2].

    [1] ESB Motors in Leigh
    [2] They'd said the pads had been replaced, but didn't point out that
    they'd have all the effectiveness of chocolate after two applications
    of the lever. I found that out on a twisty B road. Calls to EBC and
    Suzuki both got the same response of "only HH pads are supposed to be
    fitted to this bike". ESB didn't acknowledge they'd done anything
    wrong, or apologise. I leave you to draw your own conclusions of which
    five letter word I most often associate with them.
    Christofire, May 6, 2005
  9. Beelzebub@Work

    TOG Guest

    Jeremy Ovenden was worrying, on the French Run, about the noise from
    his chain, and asked me to have a go on the bike (Fazer 6) and report
    back. We were swapping bikes in a petrol station forecourt when I saw
    the chain was stretched so tight it was like a solid bar. This was the
    courtesy of the dealer that had "serviced" the bike just before he

    I point-blank refused to ride it like that (probably the influence of
    having recently seen the effects of DNC's snapped chain), so we
    adjusted it correctly there and then and lubed it later.

    There are too many bike dealers like this. Utter shysters, and
    incompetent shysters at that.
    TOG, May 6, 2005
  10. In uk.rec.motorcycles, Christofire amazed us all with this pearl of
    Whinging Courier, May 6, 2005
  11. Beelzebub@Work

    Pip Guest

    Pip, May 6, 2005
  12. Beelzebub@Work

    dwb Guest


    (which, strangely enough, does have 5 letters)
    dwb, May 6, 2005

  13. problem can be caused when dopey mechanics use bike lifts that take the
    weight off the back suspension , wheel drops chain looks loose so said twat
    adjusts chain
    when the bike is placed back on the ground one overtightened chain in the
    making .
    steve robinson, May 6, 2005
  14. In uk.rec.motorcycles, dwb amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom:
    Heh. When I counted the letters out on my fingers I missed the "o"
    Whinging Courier, May 6, 2005
  15. Beelzebub@Work

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    LOL, nice one.
    Andy Hewitt, May 6, 2005
  16. Never thought of that. It makes sense.
    The Older Gentleman, May 6, 2005
  17. Beelzebub@Work

    Lozzo Guest

    The Older Gentleman says...
    I borrowed my bruv in law's CBR600 at the weekend. When I picked it up
    the chain was so tight it was locking the rear suspension. I backed it
    off 3 flats of the adjuster screws and it was fine.

    Three weeks ago my B-I-L had fitted new chain and sprockets because the
    old chain snapped. I wonder why?
    Lozzo, May 6, 2005
  18. Beelzebub@Work

    Christofire Guest

    I couldn't possibly say.
    Christofire, May 6, 2005
  19. Beelzebub@Work

    Catman Guest

    Glad someone noticed ;)
    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7 155 TS
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, May 6, 2005
  20. Beelzebub@Work

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    Well, I'm a mechanic :)
    Andy Hewitt, May 6, 2005
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