Flames obsoleted

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Waco, Oct 6, 2003.

  1. Waco

    Waco Guest

    Waco, Oct 6, 2003
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  2. Waco

    mjt Guest

    .... it's too bad the artwork of Mike Lavallee is obscured by the
    childish website antics
    mjt, Oct 6, 2003
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  3. Waco

    texdays Guest

    yea, he's so cool. I want to be him.
    texdays, Oct 6, 2003
  4. Waco

    fullstate Guest

    Not bad, but I guess if you can afford $40k+ for a bike you can
    probably afford one of his paint jobs, too.

    fullstate, Oct 6, 2003
  5. What don't you like about their site? It looked OK here.

    Albert Nurick

    '97 Honda Pacific Coast
    '93 Honda Helix
    '87 Honda Helix
    Albert Nurick, Oct 6, 2003
  6. Waco

    mjt Guest

    .... first off, i'm not big on [macromedia] flash - this
    requires that the user have a flash plugin. let's say
    i'm a lynx or links user (which i am) - i am completely
    shielded from experiencing the site (those are two text
    based web browsers).

    i havent found a way to zoom in the bikes - i cant really
    see the level of detail based on those sliding thumbnails.
    sure, i can 'zoom in' but that's not the same. i want to
    click on a bike and get a bigger picture of it.

    the text is too small. white on black is one of the WORSE
    combinations for readability. this is typical of rock-n-roll
    websites too - they seem to enjoy building black backgrounds
    with red and white text - this is terrible for the user
    experience. if i want larger text, i "ctrl +" to where i
    want it - cant do that with flash - the user is confined to
    the defined window space
    mjt, Oct 6, 2003
  7. (Disclaimer: I design sites for a living) Flash is perhaps the least
    offensive way to add multimedia to sites, and some folks want the zoomy
    stuff on their site. Flash is used on so many sites that the plugin is
    probably already loaded, so it's pretty much a non-issue.

    Text browsers are the dark ages. When I browse our logs, I typically
    find that Lynx users simply aren't on the map; 1 or 2 for every 20,000
    users of modern browsers. It makes WebTV seem positively common (it's
    not, under 0.2% of sessions.)

    Heck, even Netscape represents only 1-3% of all user sessions these days.

    Of course, a site selling artwork painted on bikes would be pretty
    pointless text-only, yes? Even with very vivid descriptions. ;-)
    Zooming is good; they certainly could have implemented that. But I know
    I could see exactly what they are selling, and I'm impressed with their
    (Shades of Jakob Nielson) I wouldn't do this for a text-heavy site, but
    I think the look works for the subject matter. FWIW, I avoid black
    sites, but sometimes it's what the client wants.

    Albert Nurick

    '97 Honda Pacific Coast
    '93 Honda Helix
    '87 Honda Helix
    Albert Nurick, Oct 6, 2003
  8. Waco

    mjt Guest

    so are many of my collegues and g/f; although they all agree
    that flash/etc are great for the *designer*, it's not always in
    the best interest of the *user* :)

    as a programmer, i might think that smalltalk is THE killer
    programming language, but that doesnt mean its resultant
    application is in the best interest of the user :))
    /// Michael J. Tobler: motorcyclist, surfer, skydiver, \\\
    \\\ and author: "Inside Linux", "C++ HowTo", "C++ Unleashed" ///
    \\\ http://pages.sbcglobal.net/mtobler/mjt_linux_page.html ///
    Lockwood's Long Shot: The chances of getting eaten up by a lion
    on Main Street aren't one in a million, but once would be enough.
    mjt, Oct 7, 2003
  9. <shrug> I'm with you; I'd just as soon avoid Flash unless there's a real
    need for it. However, clients often want special effects on their site;
    these days, the web is often as much about dazzling or entertaining as it
    is about informing.
    Wow; you've been around as long as I have. ;-) I've got the Smalltalk 79
    book on the bookshelf... I wonder if it's still the Next Big Thing.

    Albert Nurick

    '97 Honda Pacific Coast
    '93 Honda Helix
    '87 Honda Helix
    Albert Nurick, Oct 7, 2003
  10. Waco

    Brian Walker Guest

    To download content (either software or web content) from a site
    without all the crap the GUI browsers cause. Also, the text browsers
    are nice when you want to download a 100meg file to a server in
    Chicago (on 100mb) and don't want to download it to a workstation (on
    128kb) then ftp it to the server. You can just telnet to the server
    and use lynx to grab the file right to the server and save a step and
    time. Another big reason would be to avoid pop-ups that get generated
    from a dumb-ass site that the owner is too cheap to pay a couple bucks
    for so they pass the savings on to the viewer.

    If you were old enough in this business you'd know that the best pages
    are built using vi and lynx compliant...and yes, I use lynx and vi
    regularly. It's kinda hard to write php scripts using anything else.
    Brian Walker, Oct 8, 2003
  11. Yep. (FWIW, Lynx was my first web browsing experience, and I didn't
    see why it was much better than Gopher. Thank goodness the NCSA guys
    came up with Mosaic.)
    Impressive! What's the site? For us, a local site with 300,000 page
    views a month is pretty high traffic.
    Yep. It does become more interesting when paired with server-side
    automation (like Macromedia does in parts of their site) but the user
    experience can still be uneven; the "feel" isn't quite right.
    I've heard various geekesque opinions about why they're useful, but
    the oddball situations described simply don't matter to 99.99% of the
    folks out there. I always tell our designers that I'd rather they
    invest time making the user experience better on IE than to waste time
    supporting text-only browsers. The audience simply isn't there.
    Albert Nurick, Oct 8, 2003
  12. Waco

    Bill Walker Guest

    Tried to get an e-mail through to you and it failed... LOL.. Damn... these
    things got me intimidated... don't you know.. Looks like a ride is brewing
    for this weekend.. Let's talk... Either send me an e-mail or catch me on
    Yahoo Messenger as "outrider 007"... See ya'..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Oct 8, 2003
  13. Waco

    Waco Guest

    You might want to delete any contact record you have from me and create a
    new one.
    The above email addy is right, but I had originally put no-spam char's in
    the "Reply To" part of my profile. I have removed those, though.

    I had planned on pulling my tank off to get to the wiring harness. I hope I
    can get that done before this weekend. Keep me posted.
    Waco, Oct 9, 2003
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