Fix It Ticket Question

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by muddycat, Apr 30, 2005.

  1. muddycat

    muddycat Guest

    That nice[1] Officer Rodriguez of the CHP didn't like the way the
    license plate was affixed to my SV so he asked me to correct it. I got
    it signed off and the 'notice' came in the mail. The notice says the
    proof of correction must be sent to Superior Court, Ruff Drive while the
    envelope has Superior Court N. First Street. What I don't understand is,
    does the check go to the First Street address and the correction go to
    the Ruff Street address? Or what?

    [1]I say nice as he could have done me for 80 in a 65 but didn't.
    muddycat, Apr 30, 2005
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  2. muddycat

    Alan Moore Guest

    Phone the clerk of the court -- number is in the phone book. They can
    answer your questions authorititatively.
    He must have been in a pretty good mood. Where were you?

    Al Moore
    DoD 734
    Alan Moore, Apr 30, 2005
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  3. muddycat

    muddycat Guest

    I did a slingshot entry from Camden onto NB 85 (San Jose). He saw me
    right away (unfortunately I didn't see him, which is really sad as he
    was in a PU truck). I didn't even get the full disco treatment, he just
    pulled along side and motioned me to pull over.
    muddycat, Apr 30, 2005
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