Anyone heard off/used a "Fitch" fuel catalyst ? Julian
Yep. Most of the glowing reports are from people who are selling or advertising the product. see for a slightly more cynical analysis. Moike
HMMMM, somewhere I feel that some TV show did a test in the last month or so and decided that using one of these did,indeed give a slight improvement in power, fuel economy etc. was talking to someone yesterday who claimed that after fitting one to a diesel Mercedes (car) it idled better and returned better mileage. They market a 'drop in" gadget for bikes. Julian.
HMMMM, somewhere I feel that some TV show did a test Cmon mate, think about it rationally. _Every_ vehicle manufacturer competing constantly to deliver more power with better fuel efficiency. vs Some johnny-come-lately's selling a $129.95 black box. Whose more likely to engineer something that works? There's no silver bullet to improve efficiency. Jules
You realise that shows like today tonight drag in the lowest commion denominator of audience viewing? In other words most people who believe the drivel that these so called current affairs show portray as news are morons. Are you a moron?
~ The 7:30 report is OK but Today Tonight is one big advertisement from start to finish! Was this story sandwiched between the ads for the discount pharmacy and the ads for the mortgage brokers?
Ahh FFS YTC, I've got a device here that'll reduce your consumption by 100%, guaranteed to work if fitted correctly, I'll send it you for the bargain price of $500. Remove the nospam's in the email to reply. JL