Having passed my direct access in Sept and bought a VFR800, which I've been riding whenever I can ever since, I finally relented and offered to take the wife out as pillion (it is her birthday today after all, and she has had the leathers for as long as I've had the bike, although she only got a helmet last week) Wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. Right handers are a bit awkward, bit then they are when I'm on my own at low speeds (still getting used to the bike) Other than that we were fine, roads had dried out after the overnight rain and the sun was shining. Took it up to a reasonable speed on the M1. When we got home she said she loved it, so we might be out as a twosome a bit more often. As we intend to tour into France next year I supposed I better get used to her being there. Can anyone recommend a good (clear and two way speech) radio system to use between us; we won't ever be on different bikes. Regards Paul