First long journey.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lady Nina, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. Lady Nina

    Oldbloke Guest

    back of the bike.

    Dan L (Oldbloke)
    My bike 1996 Kawasaki ZR1100 Zephyr
    M'boy's current bike 1990 Suzuki TS50X (Heavily fortified)
    M'boys NEW bike 2003 Honda NSR125R
    Oldbloke, Aug 21, 2004
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  2. Lady Nina

    Oldbloke Guest

    D'oh, beat me to it

    Mental note: read the complete thread before exercising witty repartee

    Dan L (Oldbloke)
    My bike 1996 Kawasaki ZR1100 Zephyr
    M'boy's current bike 1990 Suzuki TS50X (Heavily fortified)
    M'boys NEW bike 2003 Honda NSR125R
    Oldbloke, Aug 21, 2004
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  3. Lady Nina

    dwb Guest

    You see it isn't though - photographic evidence to prove it - the bungeed on
    items never moved in the accident ;)
    dwb, Aug 21, 2004
  4. Lady Nina

    Oldbloke Guest


    Dan L (Oldbloke)
    My bike 1996 Kawasaki ZR1100 Zephyr
    M'boy's current bike 1990 Suzuki TS50X (Heavily fortified)
    M'boys NEW bike 2003 Honda NSR125R
    Oldbloke, Aug 21, 2004
  5. Lady Nina

    Pip Guest

    Pip, Aug 21, 2004
  6. Lady Nina

    Oldbloke Guest


    Dan L (Oldbloke)
    My bike 1996 Kawasaki ZR1100 Zephyr
    M'boy's current bike 1990 Suzuki TS50X (Heavily fortified)
    M'boys NEW bike 2003 Honda NSR125R
    Oldbloke, Aug 21, 2004
  7. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    So is being half way round a bend and seeing a tennis ball sized rock
    right on your line. I swear time slowed down as I went through the
    various options, the likelihood of crashing attached to each one, then
    the decision making.

    Didn't crash, took the last 20 odd miles very slowly, had a proper
    look this morning, bike came back on the recovery vehicle, I came back
    pillion. Scotland is far away and my bum is still numb.
    Lady Nina, Aug 22, 2004
  8. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    You obviously have a different dictionary than mine.
    He'd have to catch us first. Apparently this may be difficult for him.
    Lady Nina, Aug 22, 2004
  9. Lady Nina

    Ginge Guest

    You did OK then.

    I'm surprised you hit it if it was only tennis ball sized (pretend it
    was bigger if you re-tell the story ;-) ).
    What's broken?
    At worst it could last 2 days, at least that's how long it took for the
    ride back from Florence to wear off.
    Ginge, Aug 22, 2004
  10. This...

    , took the last 20 odd miles very slowly, had a proper
    and this don't tally!

    What happened?
    William Grainger, Aug 23, 2004
  11. Lady Nina

    sweller Guest

    That's because you're stupid.
    sweller, Aug 23, 2004
  12. Lady Nina

    dwb Guest

    If you're referring to mentally, you're right, you're _way_ too advanced for
    a simple soul like me.

    If you're referring to on a motorcycle, I must have missed you acquiring a
    decent motorcycle along with the experience to, say, miss tennis-ball sized
    rocks in the road.

    Really must work on paying attention.
    dwb, Aug 23, 2004
  13. Lady Nina

    dwb Guest

    I've had a working bike since the day after the crash so that would be a bit
    of silly suggestion.

    Ah but you see I'm not talking about speed - I'm talking about missing
    dwb, Aug 23, 2004
  14. Lady Nina

    dwb Guest

    Echo time.. that is so lame.

    The comment was I'd have difficulty catching "you". This is patently bull.

    End of discussion.
    dwb, Aug 23, 2004
  15. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    On A70 which is new to me twisty road at the M74 end. Sharp
    double bends, up and down hills during bends in places and cambered.
    The sun was low, poor road surface, with dappled shade from trees, I
    didn't have tinted visor on. There were sheep at the sides, it was end
    of *long* journey. I was taking it easy, up to 50/60 on the straights
    then slowing and dropping through gears for corners. It was
    challenging for me but I was still smooth and was being cautious
    rather than worried.

    I was lent over (not very far, but bike not vertical) into a left,
    knowing there was right coming immediately after from the road signs.

    As I started to get the view round to see into next bend the rock was
    there. I thought if I go to the right of it I may go into oncoming
    traffic, If I go to the left the surface is poor and I'll probably
    lose it - I can't flip from left to right in a corner that tight
    consistently and accurately I knew not to brake and didn't get the
    automatic urge to 'grab a handful'. So I went over with both wheels,
    big thump, bounced in seat, but just thought 'phew' and concentration
    was already on next bend.

    The rock (which was big enough to push chain up as wheel went over)
    had slackened the chain off.

    Immediately after incident I just kept going, thought I'd got away
    with it although I didn't know that bike had spat rock out sideways
    (my first slide on the back - following rider says it jumped a
    handspan - I thought the sensation was just me leaving seat then
    landing again - I gripped with my knees) I pulled in a couple of miles
    down the road because I was ready for fag break - when I pulled back
    out it was clunking in lower gears. Pulled into next garage, had a
    quick look Then I limped last 20 miles to get there, including police
    man following for 10 of those but not pulling me - in the end I
    stopped, walked over to him and said, it's a loose chain and he was
    fine. Looked at space in tax disc holder but didn't say a word (it was
    in my purse if he'd asked) and gave me directions to turning I wanted.
    Dropped bikes off, checked into B&B, went back and spent enjoyable

    Spanners came out Sunday morning (just) to see if could get away with
    tightening chain. Anyway, chain had greatly stretched in one point,
    rear sprockets chipped, not looked at front yet, not checked for any
    other damage yet. Made decision on safety grounds to call recovery
    (other people's recovery that by some strange loophole covers you
    rocks) they came and picked it up from my mates house, I came back
    Lady Nina, Aug 23, 2004
  16. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    Despite the fact my left shoulder is screaming at me now, during the
    ride I thouroughly enjoyed it up to the last hour.
    I am reliably informed it was child's football sized, it just looked
    like a tennis ball (pale, with green bits)
    See other post.
    It is still numb. Other bits aren't. I now truly understand why big
    comfy bikes exist. All praise to Hein Geirke waterproofs which kept me
    snug warm and dry on the way to Leeds on Friday in filthy weather.
    Strongest winds I've ridden in. That was a get the job done and get
    there ride rather than enjoyment but it still taught me a lot and the
    helmet got all the bugs washed off ready to collect those huge insects
    they breed in Scotland.
    Lady Nina, Aug 23, 2004
  17. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    So Porl does that count as a 'finish them'?
    Lady Nina, Aug 23, 2004
  18. Lady Nina

    dwb Guest

    Oh give it a rest.
    dwb, Aug 23, 2004
  19. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    *You* started the insults in this thread and got more than you
    bargained for, don't whine about it now. I believe the 'don't dish it
    out if you can't take it' guideline applies here.
    Lady Nina, Aug 23, 2004
  20. Lady Nina

    dwb Guest

    Um actually, I didn't insult anyone - I said a comment was lame.
    You then responded with a comment that said "you should try it sometime"
    which was, at best, condescending, along with replies to a comment made by
    DNC - ie you took it completely out of context - I replied to that.

    You then replied to Porl's post about finishing people (not mine) saying
    that :

    "He'd have to catch us first. Apparently this may be difficult for him."
    which again, is open to interpretation.

    So, in reality *you* started it - and in no way did I get more than I
    bargained for - if anything a fuzzy opinion has been confirmed, which
    actually means I got exactly what I bargained on.

    And whining? Care to point out where the whining was? DNC (and you) were
    void of the facts. I corrected them but *you* replied with the "is that
    finishing then" comment - I asked you to give it a rest because you were
    just looking more and more stupid (to me) and really not helping your
    Exactly - How about I rephrase it then from "Oh give it a rest" to :
    "Please shut up until you provide either something worth reading or gain a
    grasp on the facts being discussed in this subthread"
    dwb, Aug 23, 2004
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