Having checked the weather this morning I decided to try one more time to GMKD before it pissed down. I was obviously nervous knowing full well that the Karma Fairy had come back my way but decided to give it a go. Having hooned up and down the dual carriage way to heat up the tyres (Hard exceleration, hard braking tip thanks Molly) I glanced at the front brake reservoir (Yes I actually fucking looked) to see the Karma Fairy. She, not he, had taken the image of little Kylie and was looking rather sexy and was giving me the thumbs up. So, pass the Police headquaters and approaching the first roundabout I start to get in position remembering what Molly said on her write up and how Cammo looked the other week. Feeling good, scrub of some speed, roudabout clear, tip it in. Its going good, bikes stable, knee stuck out, hanging like an ape, just a bit more lean and screeech. RESULT. Its at this point that I shit myself for some reason. Having spent so long to do this when it finally happens I have a sudden urge to pick up the bike. Kylie's face turns to cammos with horns who's laughing his cock off and I pick up the bike. So rather than going round the roundabout I go straight on up towards the mud track of a road to the Crem. Thank fuck I didn,t drop the bike again so come to a stop to have a word with the said Karma Fairy. Little Kylie is there giving me the thumbs up to try it again and having looked at the lack of damage to knee slider decide I must try harder. Second attempt is poetry in motion. Up to roudabout, into position, tip bike and screeech all around. I'm a happy bunny, kylie's giving it the thumbs up so everyones happy. Get home, oil the chain, put the bike away and then the thunderstorm (Complete with hail stones) happens. Kylies sat on my shoulder know discussing ways in which to repay her. It'll probably involve some kind of food offering with candles around and a deviant sex act on the missus. Woohoo, bikes rock.