firing sequences on parralell twins

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by corks, May 30, 2005.

  1. corks

    corks Guest

    just curious as to waht the most common or the "best" firing sequence for

    i would have thought 1 up - 1 down (180 degree crank) would have ben most

    but notice the new triumph are 360 degree cranks - both pistons firing at
    once, wouldnt this been ling riding a big single ???

    tho i notice the triumph america and speedmaster use a 270 degree crank -
    same as my trx850 , presumably to get that v-twin note???

    any opinions

    corks, May 30, 2005
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  2. corks

    ck Guest

    that would be more like a fish out of water

    ck, May 30, 2005
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  3. Tis what the Japs (and others) use because it normally requires no
    counterballance shaft.
    They don't fire at once, they are still alternate firings, just the
    pistons travel up and down at the same time (i.e one is on the power
    stroke while the other is intake etc).
, May 30, 2005
  4. corks

    c.dean Guest

    Most new triumphs are running three cylinder engines. The exceptions
    are: Speed Four (four cyl) and Speedmaster/America (270degree crank
    180 degree crank twins are far and away the most common parallel twin
    cylinder arrangement.
    270deg parallel twins are identical to 90degree V-twins in the sense
    that their cycles interact in exactly the same way, ie: one cylinder
    fires, ~270deg crank rotation interval, other cylinder fires, ~450deg
    interval and repeat.

    270 degree parallel twins:
    Good: Sound nice, package well whilst sounding nice, alleged traction
    benefits. Only one cylinder head required. Excellent example of how
    cool these engines can be is the legendary TRX850.
    Bad: Extra weight has to be added to the crankshaft arrangement in
    order to balance it. With a 90deg V-twin, the crankshaft is naturally
    balanced (180degree crank). Note that by '90deg' V-twin I am referring
    to the 'Vee angle', not crank geometry or firing intervals.
    c.dean, May 30, 2005
  5. corks

    GB Guest

    Oh no, not this trawling again.

    GB, May 30, 2005
  6. corks

    c.dean Guest


    I just remembered something about those Triumph neo-bonnies having a
    360deg crank......
    Bracing myself for an avalanche of scathing replies.
    c.dean, May 30, 2005
  7. corks

    c.dean Guest

    c.dean, May 30, 2005
  8. corks

    Moike Guest

    Maybe a bit like riding a big two-stroke single.

    Remeber that a four stroke cycle takes 720 degrees.
    The cylinders only fire every second revolution, so you get nice, evenly
    spaced firings.

    Cyl 1 -Suck- squeeze *BANG* -blow- -Suck- squeeze *BANG* -blow-
    Cyl 2 *BANG* -blow- -Suck- squeeze *BANG* -blow- -Suck- squeeze

    If the cylinders were 180 out of phase, you would get

    Cyl 1 -Suck- squeeze *BANG* -blow- -Suck- squeeze *BANG* -blow-
    Cyl 2 -blow- -Suck- squeeze *BANG* -blow- -Suck- squeeze *BANG*

    Moike, May 30, 2005
  9. corks

    Smee R1100s Guest

    Who are you replying to?
    Smee R1100s, May 30, 2005
  10. corks

    c.dean Guest

    Re: Who am i replying to...



    It's 1, 2

    Happy to help
    c.dean, May 30, 2005
  11. corks

    John Guest

    corks.... mate..... my opinions are my own - get fucked - get your

    however, as you asked nicely... 360 degre throw on the crank doesn't
    mean both pistons fire at the same time. the japs used the 180 degree
    throw on their twins to help eliminate the vibes that the british
    twins suffered.

    yeh, 270 degrees does make for a nice note :)

    ps... all capitals were left out so corks could read this :)
    John, May 30, 2005
  12. corks

    corks Guest

    its that from left to right or right to left ?

    corks, May 30, 2005
  13. corks

    John Guest

    corks... you being in the west, it is right to left...


    **** you corks - if i offered you a Coopers, you wouldn't appreciate
    it~~ ;P
    John, May 30, 2005
  14. corks

    corks Guest

    cooopers , dark ale from memeory , hell yes i'd drink and appreciate you for
    giving it to me
    corks, May 30, 2005
  15. corks

    corks Guest

    ThAnK YoU VeRy MuCh FoR yOuR kInD WoRdS aNd SeNSiBlE AnSwer
    corks, May 30, 2005
  16. corks

    GB Guest

    Every man's dream: twins.

    GB, May 30, 2005
  17. corks

    Moike Guest

    Geeze, c.dean, can't you get anything wrong.

    You are supposed to tell Smee he's just an anal lazy prick who likes a
    nice lean desktop, and thinks others should waste bandith telling him
    what he just read.

    Tell him to bugger off and feed the kid.

    (gotta get the domestic credits up for wintersun, eh!)


    (oh, shit, is it beer o'clock already?.. gotta run.)
    Moike, May 30, 2005
  18. corks

    Moike Guest

    Geeze, c.dean, can't you get anything right?

    You are supposed to tell Smee he's just an anal lazy prick who likes a
    nice lean desktop, and thinks others should waste bandith telling him
    what he just read.

    Tell him to bugger off and feed the kid.

    (gotta get the domestic credits up for wintersun, eh!)


    (oh, shit, is it beer o'clock already?.. gotta run.)
    Moike, May 30, 2005
  19. corks

    Smee R1100s Guest

    Wintersun is a remote possibilty atm.
    Rugrat is acting like a baby.
    Smee R1100s, May 30, 2005
  20. corks

    G-S Guest

    Corks... I'm not sure Johno was real clear... with a 360 degree twin
    both pistons go up and down at the same time, but they fire alternatly.

    This doesn't actually feel exactly like a big single, but it does have a
    large vertical component to the vibration so the vibes are mostly up and
    down similar to a single.

    Hard to explain... but it is different to a single.

    G-S, May 30, 2005
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