Filtering on dual carriageways

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Pip Luscher, Apr 1, 2005.

  1. Pip Luscher

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    Andy Hewitt, Apr 2, 2005
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  2. Pip Luscher

    jsp Guest

    Still a whoooosh, I feel...

    I think you should reread Bear's paraphrase.


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Apr 2, 2005
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  3. Pip Luscher

    jsp Guest

    When I was 17, some bikers were unbeleivably stupid. It's amazing how
    they've come on in the last 22 years. errrr...


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Apr 2, 2005
  4. Pip Luscher

    rb Guest

    I /think/ what Bear is saying is that over time his experience has
    grown and so fewer drivers catch him unawares these days...
    rb, Apr 2, 2005
  5. Pip Luscher

    rb Guest

    I know this has been about filtering but I find this one applies to
    overtaking as well. I commute along a mostly NSL single carriageway. As
    you close on a group of cars it's easy to spot the one that's going to
    pull out for an overtake without looking for the bike behind. It's like
    someone else said, bikes don't conform to their set of norms. They
    checked their mirror 2 minutes ago, how can anything have caught them
    up since then?

    I had one **** lovely the other day though. He had been trundling along
    with his wheels on the centre white line for ages, looking for a clear
    overtake. He was either oblivious to the fact that I wanted to overtake
    him, and could have done so easily if he had adopted a normal road
    position, or was intentionally blocking me. My money was on the latter.
    Anyway, when he did get his chance to overtake I went round him, making
    full use of the cycle lane on the other side of the road. Allegedly.
    rb, Apr 2, 2005
  6. Pip Luscher

    Martin Guest

    It's the subconcious part of your brain recognising a pattern that your
    conscious brain hasn't seen yet and giving the nod. There was a story
    about fire fighters doing similar stuff a while back that I can't be
    arsed to look for.

    "For a minute there, you bored me to death."
    VTR1000 Firestorm
    martin dot smith nine zero three at ntlworld dot com
    Martin, Apr 2, 2005
  7. Pip Luscher

    jsp Guest

    Lol. Nicely put.


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Apr 2, 2005
  8. Pip Luscher

    rb Guest

    <fx: checks Xananews options>


    <fx: unchecks autocorrect impudence>

    rb, Apr 2, 2005
  9. Pip Luscher

    platypus Guest

    platypus, Apr 2, 2005
  10. Pip Luscher

    jsp Guest

    That's why I got a Spiderman lid.


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Apr 2, 2005
  11. Pip Luscher

    platypus Guest

    Or "Kids! Get a good job NOW while you still KNOW EVERYTHING."
    platypus, Apr 2, 2005
  12. Pip Luscher

    jsp Guest

    jsp, Apr 2, 2005
  13. Pip Luscher

    ogden Guest

    <snip my nomination for the best on-topic post so far this year>

    All I can add, is that the moment I get in a car, I start to
    forget that bikes exist. Extrapolating that, I can't expect
    the average car driver to even *begin* to remember that bikes
    exist. And I try to remember that every single time I go for a

    Other than that, amen, brother Chris, amen.
    ogden, Apr 2, 2005
  14. Pip Luscher

    gomez Guest

    Unless traffic is stationary or crawling I prefer to filter between
    two vehicles just as a front to rear bumber gap appears, The real
    bugger is two HGV vehicles crawling alongside each other side by side.
    gomez, Apr 2, 2005
  15. Pip Luscher

    Christofire Guest

    He might have been intentionally blocking you, but was it for the same
    reason you're thinking? If I'm in the car waiting for my chance I
    don't want the Johnny-come-lately behind me spoiling it and me having
    to sit for another 20 miles behind whatever I'm following. The bloke
    was probably thinking "if he's that quick he can take any chance he
    wants, so he can hang on while I look for mine".

    If they're in a hurry they won't want to sacrafice a chance to let you
    past when you can so easily sort yourself out when they're done. If
    they're not they may let you past straight off. That's probably how
    I'd play it.
    Christofire, Apr 2, 2005
  16. Pip Luscher

    Christofire Guest

    Come on, honk your horn and it's just like a tunnel that honks back.
    Christofire, Apr 2, 2005
  17. Pip Luscher

    Christofire Guest

    <gnashes teeth>

    Young'un in the office used to repeatedly say this. He's been told
    that the argument is lost if he has to resort to it to phrase his
    statements, on the premise that if he has to pad it out to make it
    sound right then it's pretty light on meaning.

    He's not said it for some time now. Still spouts absolute drivel, and
    will swear blind about stuff that evidence points to the contrary.
    E.g. he maintains that an engine can run backwards. After pointing out
    that the cam will probably bend or snap the valve stems, and that even
    if the valves worked the piston will be sucking in exhaust, he's still

    Any more reasons why an engine won't run backwards? It's all come from
    the "why do you put the car in reverse/1st when parking on a hill?" and
    how does it stop the car from rolling off. At the moment, he's the
    most knowledgeable driver without a provisional licence I've ever heard
    Christofire, Apr 2, 2005
  18. Pip Luscher

    rb Guest

    That's something I hadn't considered but I don't /believe/ it was the
    rb, Apr 2, 2005
  19. Pip Luscher

    Eiron Guest

    Two-strokes will run backwards.

    Four-strokes will turn backwards but not run.
    Of course the cams and valves will not bend.

    It's just the air pressure on whichever cylinder is on the compression
    stroke that holds a car on a hill. Try taking the spark plugs out
    and doing it.
    Eiron, Apr 2, 2005
  20. Pip Luscher

    Pip Luscher Guest

    <snip lots of stuff that I totally agree with>

    I totally agree.
    Pip Luscher, Apr 2, 2005
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