Festival of Speed

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by AW, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. AW

    AW Guest

    Went along to practice day at Goodwood today.

    Excellent stuff - old race cars, pld bikes, new bikes and newer cars.

    Highlights - Hailwood's TT Duke, the Napieraero- engined Brooklands
    racer, oh, and a load of other stuff.

    I am however slightly deafened from standing about 15' away from a
    1937 Merc W125 in the pits being revved and worked on. *ear
    splittingly loud* - you know how at a loud gig, someone near you talks
    and you can make out some sounds but not the words? This was much,
    *much* louder - the guy standing right next to me said something and
    I couldn't hear anything. My heaed's still buzzing now and I don't
    think that it's the drink..

    AW, Jun 22, 2007
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  2. AW

    Muck Guest

    I went there a year or two back, and by far the loudest thing there was
    a Mazda rotary engined racer. It was painfully loud when revved.
    Muck, Jun 22, 2007
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