Fecking insurance......

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Andy Hewitt, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. Andy Hewitt

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    I've just checked my certificate only to find that it expires on

    The MOT ran out last Monday along with the Tax. I've been waiting for
    the roads to clear here to get that done.

    Anyway, Fucking 1st Quote haven't amended my address, as advised last
    August, and they haven't sent a fucking renewal either - I can still
    access the previous abode.

    Trouble is, they are considerably cheaper than anyone else - like £88
    against £155 for the next nearest (TPFT). If they were all near to £155
    I'd just got FC, as they are all about £175.

    I'll phone them tomorrow and see what's occuring, but I might still
    consider somebody else. Of course they're all cunts anyway, so it
    probably don't really matter.
    Andy Hewitt, Mar 4, 2005
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  2. Andy Hewitt

    delboy Guest

    Hi Andrew,
    i use this broker in the north east, i usually phone and sort it out after
    ive done an online quote. The cover note usually arrives the next day.

    My policy is only £90 which includes their handling fee as a broker( the
    policy is with Davitt ? cant remember their name) but it was still cheaper
    through the broker than dealing direct.

    Look forward to seeing you on the roads this year, I must try and get out
    more.(only did 1k last year because of work overload.
    delboy, Mar 4, 2005
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  3. Andy Hewitt

    Andy Hewitt Guest

    Hi Dave,

    Seems I misjudged 1st Quote, they had my correct address, but it looks
    like yet again good old Royal Snail have fucked up and lost it.

    I got sorted for renewal, 1st Quote were *way* cheaper - £91 TPFT
    against £135 for the next nearest. I actually went FC in the end for
    Andy Hewitt, Mar 4, 2005
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