Feck Arse

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by muddy cat, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. I've got one of those but thankfully it doesn't have to be inserted.
    Mick Whittingham, Jan 7, 2009
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  2. muddy cat

    zymurgy Guest

    Well, i'm certainly not knee deep in offers, and the salaries are a
    bit depressing, but if you're prepared to travel anywhere (which I
    can) then there's a bit of work out there.

    It was dire in December, but things seem to be picking up slowly.

    Problem is, eveone has battened down the hatches to ride it out (as
    both individuals and companies) so no job movements mean few job
    opportunities being created.

    We'll see. I have a couple of irons in the fire ...

    zymurgy, Jan 7, 2009
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  3. Mick Whittingham, Jan 8, 2009
  4. I have the usual DSMB, whistle, old commercial cd to reflect the sun.
    (The ones you can burn at home, the silver comes of in the sea water.)

    I have dived on a wreck in the North Sea about 15 miles out in a not too
    bad sea state. Come up 50 minute later and it was rough plus during our
    safety stop under my DSMB we had drifted a couple of hundred meters. It
    took the RIB a long time to find us in worsening sea conditions. Not

    J and I have dived from a day boat out of El Gouna in the Red Sea. There
    were four of us on a drift dive. Once we had submerged the crew went of
    for some Rug Butting. They thought we had gone anti clock wise around a
    large coral reef when in fact the current had shifted and we were
    drifting clock wise. It was close to 40 minutes after we surfaced that
    they found us drifting towards Saudi. I always carry a buddy line now as
    one of the guys had one and we lashed ourselves together.

    Why I got the locator was when we dived the southern Egyptian Red Sea
    from Zabargad [1].
    Some of the dive site were close to the Hala'ib Triagle.
    If you drift into that area the days boats wont come and get you. It's
    pirate territory. But the military will, hence the sat locator.

    [1] Possible the best diving I have ever done.
    Mick Whittingham, Jan 8, 2009
  5. That doesn't help when the whole crew of the day boat were on their mats
    "Rug Butting" (is that non PC?).
    This was the place we stayed at:



    Its a £30 3 hour taxi drive south of Masa Alam airport south of Hamata.

    Dived with these people on site.


    If you need any more info about the place and getting there, email me.
    Mick Whittingham, Jan 8, 2009
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